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DMPs for Research Communities: Argos for ARIADNEplus

Context: A collaboration between OpenAIRE and ARIADNEplus started in April. The occasion was mutual interest to explore each other's Data Management Planning (DMP) products capabilities and exchange know-how that would complement current work and accelerate new advancements.

The products: Products involved in that effort are Argos, OpenAIRE's machine-actionable data management planning tool, and ARIADNEplus DMP template for archaeological research.

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  3417 Hits

Data Librarian Training in Vienna

Digital change and the rapid developments in the information sector and the area of research data management are creating new challenges and fields of activity. Continuous increase in the amount and complexity of data can be observed - specifically in scientific research fields, research communities as well as research support services at universities and university libraries. Accordingly, there is a clear need for further education and training. In order to meet the new requirements, Data Libra...

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  3412 Hits

New educational website on FAIR research data released

On the 3rd of July 2020 a new website was released which takes a deep dive into the practicalities of making FAIR research data. The site is conceived as a blended learning resource targeted at researchers in all disciplines and the goal is to show how they can make their own research data more FAIR through real life examples from the Humanities, Social, Natural, and Health Sciences. The site is based on written explanations garnished with video testimonials from 9 different researchers and scie...

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  5395 Hits

A library’s learning from DMP feedback

By Signe Gadegaard and Jitka Stilund Hansen, Technical University of Denmark The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has 11.000 students and 6000 employees among which 3500 are researchers and Ph.D. students. At DTU Library, we are a small group of people dedicated to facilitate and coordinate development and activities within Research Data Management (RDM), as well as to provide and maintain RDM services and tools. As a result of DTU`s implementation of a Policy of the Retention of Primary Ma...

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  3943 Hits

Why is this a good Data Management Plan?

It’s not just colonel Hannibal Smith, who loves it when a plan comes together. Don’t we all? On a more serious note, this also holds for Data Management Plans or DMPs. In a DMP a researcher or research team describes what data goes into a project (reuse) and comes out of it (potential reuse), How the team takes care of the data, and Who is allowed to do What with the data When. Just like a project plan a DMP undergoes a reviewing process. Often, however, researchers share their draft version and...

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  3126 Hits

OpenAIRE welcomes the European Open Science Cloud HLEG Report

The European Commission has published the first report of the High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud (HLEG EOSC). The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a new flagship European Commission initiative that aims to accelerate and support the current transition to more effective Open Science and Open Innovation in the Digital Single Market. It should enable trusted access to services, systems and the re-use of shared scientific data across disciplinary, social and geographical...

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  2319 Hits