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A library’s learning from DMP feedback

By Signe Gadegaard and Jitka Stilund Hansen, Technical University of Denmark The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has 11.000 students and 6000 employees among which 3500 are researchers and Ph.D. students. At DTU Library, we are a small group of people dedicated to facilitate and coordinate development and activities within Research Data Management (RDM), as well as to provide and maintain RDM services and tools. As a result of DTU`s implementation of a Policy of the Retention of Primary Ma...

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Why is this a good Data Management Plan?

It’s not just colonel Hannibal Smith, who loves it when a plan comes together. Don’t we all? On a more serious note, this also holds for Data Management Plans or DMPs. In a DMP a researcher or research team describes what data goes into a project (reuse) and comes out of it (potential reuse), How the team takes care of the data, and Who is allowed to do What with the data When. Just like a project plan a DMP undergoes a reviewing process. Often, however, researchers share their draft version and...

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