This post shows the main results of the first report on the FP7 Post-Grant OA Pilot initiative. The report examines the project progress during its first two months of operation, based on the data for approved funding requests for Open Access publishing fees for research articles and monographs collected until July 31st, 2015. The parallel project workline for implementing an APC-equivalent funding mechanism for non-APC-based Open Access journals and platforms will be summarized in an independen...
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The second progress report is already available for the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot providing information on the first four months of the project with data as of Sep 30th. The results show that the initiative is gradually taking up, with more than double funding requests having been granted in this 4-month period than in the first two months of the Pilot. The rhythm of growth is however slower than initially expected, due to both the season which the initiative has been launched i...
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