On April 23, Elsevier and the Norwegian Unit jointly issued a press release, announcing a two-year pilot agreement on access to research and open publishing. This news took many by surprise since Unit only the month before had announced its decision not to renew their agreement with Elsevier. This decision came after a lengthy period of negotiations and was not made lightly. We quickly got back to our talks with Elsevier, however, and were able to work out the details of the pilot in a ver...
The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) and scientific information provider Elsevier have reached an agreement in principle that continues to provide academics at Dutch universities with access to all Elsevier journals and allows them to publish through gold OA in a selection of Elsevier journals at no additional cost to the corresponding author. The Dutch universities aim to make 30% of their researchers’ publications Open Access (OA) by 2018. For the first ti...
A new working group has been formed to take data-literature linking to a new global scale - and there are great opportunities for OpenAIRE repositories. This scholarly exchange ink xworking group, which builds on the achievements of the RDA-WDS Data Publishing WG, includes participants from infrastructure providers like CrossRef, DataCite and OpenAIRE; from publishers such as Elsevier and Springer Nature; and from data centres including Pangaea and the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. T...