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OpenAIRE AMKE Partnership in European Commission procurement on “Managed Services for the European Open Science Cloud Platform”

We are thrilled to announce that we have been selected as a core partner in the European Commission public procurement tender titled "Managed Services for the European Open Science Cloud Platform (EOSC)". Together with our esteemed consortium, led by Athena Research & Innovation Center, the EGI Foundation, and Net Company, we will have the privilege of managing LOT1 of the procurement: Core federation services for the EOSC EU Node. This partnership will play a crucial role in driving the adv...

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  2300 Hits

GraspOS Pilot Workshop in Finland

This November, members of the GraspOS team met in Espoo, Finland for the Pilot Workshop. This workshop, hosted by the Center of Science (CSC), offered a chance for participants to gain insights into the Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF) and what should be valued in terms of research assessment. About OSAF: OSAF is a research assessment framework developed under the GraspOS project that serves as a guide on how to conduct evaluations. The goal of the framework is to record assessments and ...

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  1481 Hits

Building a Community of EOSC Experts in Türkiye

Α full-day training programme to a community of people from different regions of Türkiye and disciplines, but with a common goal of open science and a shared belief in the importance of EOSC.  Background: On the 17th and 18th of July 2023, the Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) hosted an EOSC Train the Trainer Workshop as part of the EOSC Future project. The workshop's main goal was to increase researchers' knowledge of EOSC and to promote the use of EOSC services and tools in Türkiye. ...

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  2646 Hits

Supporting Open Science in Hungary

OpenAIRE is a supportive community for Open Science professionals As a recent development, the University of Debrecen signed CoARA, which is an example of our university's commitment to the cultural change of scholarly communication.Judit Fazekas-Paragh The OpenAIRE team has the pleasure of speaking to Judit Éva Fazekas-Paragh, Head of the Education and Research Support Department at the University of Debrecen University and National Library and OpenAIRE NOAD f...

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EOSC National Tripartite Event in Croatia

As part of the annual SRCE DEI 2023 conference, which is also the final conference of the Croatian Scientific and Educational Cloud (HR-ZOO) national strategic project, the national tripartite meeting of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) was held. The meeting was organised with the aim of establishing national coordination of the implementation of EOSC policy and defining national priorities and needs in this area. The goal of tripartite events is to bring together key stakeholders from all...

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  2843 Hits

The first EOSC Tripartite Event was held in Hungary

The purpose of the NRDI Office Tripartite event about Open Science in Hungary was to initiate a discussion about the status of OS in Hungary, involving policy makers, researchers, and support staff. The event was hosted by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary on the 23rd of March. Around 30 people attended in person, and more than 40 followed the discussion online. Presentations were delivered in the morning, and two-panel discussions were held in the afternoon. Th...

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  2127 Hits

Polish National Tripartite Event: EOSC for Open Science

The Polish National Tripartite Event took place between 24 and 26 October 2022. The hybrid event was organized by the National Science Centre under the theme "Open Science for Better Science" which underlined the added value of Open Science practices for research quality and integrity.  The three-day event brought together various stakeholders: ministerial representatives, research funding and research performing organizations, HPC centers and service providers, open science competence cent...

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  2749 Hits

Workshop on "Internationalization of the Armenian Science: Challenges and Solutions"

Today it is nearly impossible to conduct high-quality research and gain competitive results in science by fencing off from the international scientific community. From this point of view one of the main challenges for the Armenian scientific community is the issue of internationalization.  One of the ways to achieve this goal is by joining the Open science movement (OSM) which could not only help to boost the scientific collaboration with foreign peers but also to increase the visibility of...

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  2282 Hits

Workshop on "Internationalization of the Armenian Science: Challenges and Solutions"

The special workshop on "Internationalization of the Armenian Science: Challenges and Solutions" will be held in the framework of the "Computer Science and Information Technologies" International Conference on September 30. The workshop aims to discuss the internationalization of Armenian science into the agenda of the Armenian academic field and to emphasize its importance and urgency as well as the role of Open Science in achieving this goal. Read More

  2167 Hits

Open Science: From Theory to practice

A great event was organised during Open Access Week 2019 in Nicosia, Cyprus. On the 24th of October 2019, the Cyprus OpenAIRE NOAD hosted in the newly built premises of the Learning-Resource Centre Stelios Ioannou of the University of Cyprus, the National OpenAIRE workshop. Experts presented various aspects of Open Science. Issues like Citizen Science, Innovative metrics, practical aspects of Open Science in research, business development and innovation and legal aspects were addressed. Almost 1...

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  4049 Hits

Open Data Day 2020 in Cyprus

OpenAIRE was presented in the event dedicated to the International Open Data Day 2020, held in Cyprus on the 5th of March 2020. The event was organised in Nicosia, by the Cyprus Ministry of Finance, Public Administration and Personnel Department and the Library of the University of Cyprus which acts as the Cyprus National Open Access Desk of OpenAIRE and partner of NI4OS Europe project. ️1 "Opening our data is providing an unlimited perspective on research, innovation, political accoun...

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  3078 Hits

Flemish Open Science Board launched to fulfill European engagement and invest in Open Science


The Flemish Open Science Board​  It was a nice Christmas present for the Open Science community, right before the New Year, The Flemish Open Science Board emerged. On initiative of Flemish minister Hilde Crevits, the Flemish Government approved the Flemish Open Science policy plan and the Open Science Board (the document can be downloaded here). Together with the Flemish Open Science Board, Flanders will invest €5 million on a recurring basis in Open Science to give substance to their Europ...

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  3336 Hits

Services to Support FAIR Data: From Recommendations to Actions

Services to Support FAIR Data: From Recommendations to Actions

The recommendations from previous workshops can be organised in 7 categories: CertificationEssential infrastructure componentsStewardshipCostsRewardsCollaboration and supportData Management The full draft report, provided by OpenAIRE, FAIRsFAIR, RDA Europe, FREYA, EOSC-hub can be found here. Earlier this year, two workshops were held to formulate recommendations on how services and infrastructures can better support the implementation of the FAIR data principles1. The input and conclusions from ...

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  4950 Hits

EOSC Portal: OpenAIRE’s contribution to the EOSC implementation

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) has successfully been launched on 23 November 2018, during an event hosted by the Austrian Presidency of the European Union. The inauguration marked the conclusion of a long process of consultation and reflection with stakeholders led by the European Commission. Introducing the EOSC Portal During the launch event, the EOSC Portal was presented. It is the first step towards the EOSC implementation, putting into practice the European Commission’s vision for E...

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  4924 Hits

EOSCpilot Open Science Monitor specifications: Towards a dynamic and open European Open Science Monitor

The EOSCpilot is the first project towards the realisation of the EC’s vision for a common and trusted environment for practicing Open Science. Part of the project’s activities is a Policy Work Package aiming to develop an EOSC tailored Policy Framework complemented by a number of services to support this venture. Such Policy Framework will facilitate operational and strategic priorities set by the EOSC in the areas of Open Science and Open Scholarship, Procurement, Ethics and Data Protection fo...

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  3830 Hits

OpenAIRE's input statement at EOSC Summit, Brussels, 12 June 2017

Yesterday, 12th June 2017, the high-level European Open Science Cloud Summit took place in Brussels, Belgium. The Summit was designed to be Europe’s moment of commitment to the EOSC and to generate a number of concrete EOSC Statements for implementation. By reviewing key areas of EOSC implementation and endorsing the EOSC statements,  participants would commit to making the EOSC a reality by 2020. As a clear marker of willingness to build the EOSC as an inclusive and sustainable open commons for...

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  3566 Hits

OpenAIRE welcomes the European Open Science Cloud HLEG Report

The European Commission has published the first report of the High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud (HLEG EOSC). The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a new flagship European Commission initiative that aims to accelerate and support the current transition to more effective Open Science and Open Innovation in the Digital Single Market. It should enable trusted access to services, systems and the re-use of shared scientific data across disciplinary, social and geographical...

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  2378 Hits

European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Pilot project launched!

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Pilot project kicked off last 17-18 January in Amsterdam. The EOSCpilot brings together about 50 partners, third-parties and subcontractors to support the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It will establish the governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice. Moreover, it will develop a number of working scientific demonstrators that show interoperability and its bene...

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  3109 Hits