The workshop was held at the University of Helsinki at the end of August. The event was designed to paint a broad picture of the current scene of Open Science starting from the European level down to local university level developments. The focus was clearly on infrastructures supporting the goals of Open Science but there was also a strong emphasis on networking between all participants. This aspect was facilitated by thematic discussion groups during the lunch. The workshop gathered some sixty...
This text was written by Joonas Nikkanen (CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland) and Jochen Schirrwagen (Bielefeld University Library, Germany) Efficient dissemination and visibility of research results across scientific communication infrastructure boundaries is closely linked to the definition of standards for the description of scientific information and communication protocols. Metadata should be as complete and consistent as possible, as its quality is also part of the services that build up...
This blog post is first in a series of blogs describing RDM support activities in participating institutions. The series is produced by the Taskforce OpenAIRE: Institutional RDM support.Support Services Preparations for building a solid Research Data Management (RDM) support started more than ten years ago at the University of Helsinki. In an early project at the life sciences campus researchers and library staff presented and discussed data related workflows and possible solutions for data man...
What kind of jungle is made up of national and international policies, services and infrastructures of open science? Can this jungle be defined, and can you survive it? The OpenAIRE event, Making sense of Open Science jungle – optimizing your use of Open Science services, was looking for answers to the above questions in Paasitorni, Helsinki on 12 March 2019. The event was organised by the Helsinki University Library, which is the national open access desk (NOAD) for OpenAIRE in Finland and the ...