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A practical guide to implementing RRS for researchers

Tangible steps for simple execution In July 2022, with an update in January 2023, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research launched a guide on Rights Retention Strategy (RRS). The guide called "Implementing the rights retention strategy for scientific publications" is a tool designed for researchers and paves the way for immediate open access to articles at no additional cost, whatever the distribution model of the journal they are published in. The Content is divided into five ...

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France: New Decree on science integrity to boost support for open science and DMPs

On December 2021, the Ministry of Higher Education and research issued a Decree on scientific integrity. This decree changes the conservation and availability of data and source codes, the implementation of DMPs and the publication of negative results for the French public research institutions. Its Article 5 provides that the institutions shall define a policy for the conservation, communication and re-use of the raw results of the sci...

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French National OpenAIRE Workshop: the new era of OpenAIRE

About: On Friday 2nd July 2021, the French NOAD organized a half-day event to present to the French scientific community the advancements of the OpenAIRE organization as well as inform about its core Open Science services. Invited speakers contributed with presentations and discussions with the audience. Moreover, the workshop highlighted how services are used in practice by other projects or initiatives who shared their experiences and ongoing work. The workshop, also, provided a clear view abo...

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  3832 Hits

French researchers in favour of a move towards open science, provided it does not drastically change their habits

Couperin publishes the results of the survey on the publication and open access practices of French researchers conducted in 2019. Thanks to its unique scope, number of respondents (approx.12,000, i.e. 10% of the scientific community) and variety of disciplines, this survey helps to shed light on the way French researchers regard current scientific communication in journals and to grasp their views on open access. The richness of the survey rests largely on the verbatim reports (more than 11,500...

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  4166 Hits

France has its OA mandate!

On July 4, Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, launched the national open science plan at the annual congress of the Association of European Research Library (LIBER), at the LILLIAD Learning Centre Innovation of the University of Lille. Among the actions implemented by this national plan, the obligation to disseminate articles, books and research data in open access has been announced. During her speech at LIBER, which brings together 400 national and univers...

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New French Digital Republic Law boosts support for OA and TDM

On October 7th 2016, the French Law for a Digital Republic Act (LOI n° 2016-1321 du 7 octobre 2016 pour une République numérique) came into force, following a one year open review process during which the draft law could be improved by citizens. This law introduces new provisions to regulate the digital economy, online cooperative economy, data protection and access to the internet. Two articles are of specific concern for scholarly communication, as they relate directly to open access...

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  5942 Hits

6 new ebooks available in open access thanks to an institutional fundraising campaign

The institutional fundraising campaign for the OpenEdition Books Select offer, conducted jointly with Knowledge Unlatched, OpenEdition and Couperin, is on the right track: 58 institutions (mainly from France but also from Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, USA) have pledged for the release of a package of 30 SSH research books in French (10 new books and 20 from OpenEdition collections). In fact, 6 out of the 10 new titles are already available on the OpenEdition Books platform: Le cinéma ou...

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Training session on research data at the French national school for librarians

On the 9th and 10th of march 2015, a training session on research data took place in Lyon, at the National school for librarians. The session was chaired by Monique Joly, head of the INSA Lyon library (School of Engineering) and of Couperin’s department services and forecasting studies. Around 20 librarians gathered to learn or share their experience on research data curation.The goal of this continuing training session for librarians was to define the challenges of the preservation, the sharing...

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  1283 Hits