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EOSC National Tripartite Event in Croatia

As part of the annual SRCE DEI 2023 conference, which is also the final conference of the Croatian Scientific and Educational Cloud (HR-ZOO) national strategic project, the national tripartite meeting of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) was held. The meeting was organised with the aim of establishing national coordination of the implementation of EOSC policy and defining national priorities and needs in this area. The goal of tripartite events is to bring together key stakeholders from all...

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Supporting Open Science in the Czech Republic

I consider OpenAIRE to be an essential research infrastructure. by Michal Růžička The OpenAIRE team has the pleasure of speaking to our NOAD in the Czech Republic, Michal Růžička, Head of the Data Security and Management at the Masaryk University.  Read his reflections on Open Science.    How does Masaryk University support Open Science in the Czech Republic? Masaryk University (MU) has a strong position in support of Open Science in the Czech Re...

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RIAN OpenAIRE Day and Workshop

An OpenAIRE Day and Workshop will take place in Dublin on the 27th of November 2015. This day is being sponsored by the RIAN Board and organised by the RIAN Technical & Communications Group. Who should attend?Repository Managers, Librarians, Data Managers & FundersWhy you should attend?Understand funder perspectives.Learn how to comply with funder mandates for H2020 and OpenAIRE.Provide the context for open access publications in the research environment.Share best practice about metadat...

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  1962 Hits

OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers updated

This is to announce the draft publication of the updated OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers.As of January 31st, 2018, the updated version has been completed for the CRIS Guidelines that were originally released in July 2015. The current release is published under an RFC status.  OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers, version 1.1 Jan Dvořák, Andrea Bollini, Laurent Remy (editors)The Guidelines specify the interoperability layer between Current Research Information Systems (CRIS’s) and the...

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CRISs as data providers to OpenAIRE: an update

Once the OpenAIRE-funded METIS2OpenAIRE project led by euroCRIS finished as of mid-May, the basis has been laid for the addition of CRIS systems as data providers into the OpenAIRE aggregation. METIS2OpenAIRE set out to enable the exposure of the METIS CERIF-compliant CRIS metadata feed via an OAI-PMH endpoint so that it could be tested against the CERIF-XML Guidelines for CRIS Managers. The project developed a minimally sufficient validator for this purpose. A sample for the 300,000-record meta...

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OpenAIRE as the basis for a European Open Access Platform

An exciting recent article on the LSE Impact Blog proposes a European Open Access Platform for research. This idea is very much in line with OpenAIRE’s mission of building a public research publication infrastructure and as such we welcome the authors’ vision. A public platform for the dissemination of research will become essential infrastructure to finally fully integrate research publishing and dissemination into the research lifecycle, rather than seeing it as an added-extra to be outsourced...

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OpenAIRE's input statement at EOSC Summit, Brussels, 12 June 2017

Yesterday, 12th June 2017, the high-level European Open Science Cloud Summit took place in Brussels, Belgium. The Summit was designed to be Europe’s moment of commitment to the EOSC and to generate a number of concrete EOSC Statements for implementation. By reviewing key areas of EOSC implementation and endorsing the EOSC statements,  participants would commit to making the EOSC a reality by 2020. As a clear marker of willingness to build the EOSC as an inclusive and sustainable open commons for...

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European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Pilot project launched!

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Pilot project kicked off last 17-18 January in Amsterdam. The EOSCpilot brings together about 50 partners, third-parties and subcontractors to support the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It will establish the governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice. Moreover, it will develop a number of working scientific demonstrators that show interoperability and its bene...

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  3046 Hits