The 4th annual Chinese Institutional Repository Conference took place in Chongqing, China on September 21-22, 2016, with the theme of “Rich functions and extended roles for institutional repositories”. The conference was jointly organized by National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and CIRG (Chinese institutional repository implementation group), and Chongqing University Library. It attracted over 330 registered participants, reflecting the growing interest in repositories in ...
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On September 27 to 29 the Directive Council of La Referencia, the regional repository network from Latin America, met in Buenos Aires, Argentina. La Referencia was created five years ago and currently brings together nine national nodes and aggregates almost 1,5 million documents.The meeting, with representatives from Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, El Salvador, Colombia, Argentina and Costa Rica confirmed the broadening of the focus of La Referencia from open access to open science, discussed the ...
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