Authors: Emma Lazzeri and Gina Pavone, CNR-ISTI No doubt Open Science is a cross-cutting movement, touching all fields of knowledge and scholarly communication. And adopting a more open and transparent approach in science has broad and transversal motivations. But there are many aspects that are specific for different disciplines and research areas. In particular when looking at practical aspects on how to concretely realize open science and open access. When practically applying OS, at a certai...
A two day workshop was held in Florence on November 14th -15th on sharing, reuse, and reproducibility, curation of research data. OpenAIRE-Italy (CNR-ISTI and NOAD) was strongly engaged in organizing the event, promoted and sponsored by RDA Europe in collaboration with the universities of Turin, Milan, Bologna, Parma and with the patronage of AISA - the Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science. In light of the FAIR principles and their recent adoption in the EC Guideline...
a post by Paola Gargiulo, NOAD for ItalyOn May 30th and May 31st, the National Open Access Desk for Italy, Cineca organized is national workshop on Open Science in collaboration with CNR, FOSTER project and the universities of Bologna, Parma, Turin and Trento and with the patronage of APRE, the Italian NCP, and AISA, the Italian Association for the Promotion of Open Science. The main goal of the two-day workshop was to focus primarily on Open Science in the Italian context, discuss on what it ha...
On March 5-7 a three day workshop was organized by the Italian Institute of Anthropology and University of Rome La Sapienza to discuss the issues and challenges related to adoption of the Open Science paradigm. The meeting's objective was to identify the different needs and perspectives, obstacles, experiences, in order to identify concrete strategies to respond to the increasing demand for a greater presence of open science in higher education and research in Italy.In order to reach this goal, ...