The OpenAIRE information space continues its impressive record of growth. This significant and consistent growth represents currently over 24 million publications and 688,870 datasets. OpenAIRE has 1,111 content providers compatible with the OpenAIRE guidelines, pointing to resources in over 11400 Repositories or OA Journals.In 2018 OpenAIRE continues receiving the registration of new content providers from a variety of typologies: Institutional Repositories, Institutional Repository Aggregator...
2721 Hits
Over the last months OpenAIRE have integrated new Content Providers, from a variety of typologies, as Institutional, Thematic and Data Repositories, Journal Aggregators / Publishers, Journals and Publication Repository / Aggregators.There are currently 1155 Compatible Content Providers compatible with the OpenAIRE guidelines, covering a diversity of geographies and content typologies (publications, research data, software), representing currently over 24 million publications and 688,870 datasets...
3028 Hits