Virtual environment, perfect organization: On September 15th, Germany, as an OpenAIRE partner, teamed up with the organizers of the Open Access Tage 2020 at Bielefeld University for the national workshop on OpenAIRE initiatives and the EOSC. Due to the pandemic, the Open Access Tage 2020 was transferred to the digital world under the perfect organization of the team from Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Bielefeld University Library. Speakers at the event were Ilaria Fava and Najko Ja...
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A Forum, a quest, a policy.Those were the three words that characterised the week of 12 to 16 November 2018 in Luxembourg. Three days of seminars, debates and workshops, with speakers invited from across Europe, allowed attendants to explore ways of making research more visible, transparent and efficient. Ahead of the Forum, CEOs and stakeholders met to discuss a national plan for Open Science. And, for a week, library users were challenged to take on the Open Science Quest, an activity to disco...
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