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Azerbaijan Technical University Rector Announces the Creation of University’s First Open Science Office.

In December, the Rector of the Azerbaijan Technical University, Prof. Dr Vilayat Valiyev officially announced the establishment of the University's Open Science Office! It should also be noted that the support provided by the Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, Prof. Dr Subhan Namazov, to the Library Center in this area is undeniable. The OS Office will function within the framework of the university's Library Information Center and enjoy the complete support of the Rector's office...

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Key Takeaways from OpenAIRE Session with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science

Bringing together Bulgarian policymakers and Open Science experts from the OpenAIRE community, the session addressed key pillars of Open Science – policy, training and infrastructure – and offered valuable insights into implementation processes in Belgium, Portugal and Ireland. The webinar kicked off with an introduction to the Open Science ecosystem in Bulgaria by Milena Damyanova, Director of the Science Directorate at the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. She emphasized that the im...

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CHIST-ERA announced the publication of the Call ORD

The CHIST-ERA consortium has created a common funding instrument to support transnational projects. Through this instrument, the national/regional funding organisations of CHIST-ERA support and join the Horizon Europe Open Science agenda. By launching joint calls, they can support more diverse communities, who are able to tackle the most challenging and novel Open Science topics.This call concerns the following topic:Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software (ORD) The challenges and prom...

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Establishing a collection of 841 publicly available Horizon 2020 Data Management Plans

Picture by Gerda Mcneill

Data are increasingly conceptualized as inherently valuable products of scientific research and research funders both on the international and on the national level increasingly require open data and good data management in the projects they fund.
In Horizon 2020, the European Commission ran an initial research data pilot scheme (ORD Pilot) which was extended to the whole programme as of the work programme 2017.

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The Open Belgium Conference: Open Science as part of responsible research

This year, Open Knowledge Belgium picked the beautiful city of Antwerp as the place to be for all open knowledge, open source and open data enthusiasts. The variety of speakers at the Open Belgium Conference clearly mirrors the mission of Open Knowledge Belgium: opening up knowledge in Belgium trough community driven ways connecting four main actors: community, researchers, governments and industries. The conference consisted of a number of sessions with a wide variety of topics ranging from ope...

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Fair data management: best practices and open issues - 14-15 November, Florence, Italy

A two day workshop was held in Florence on November 14th -15th on  sharing, reuse, and reproducibility, curation of  research data. OpenAIRE-Italy (CNR-ISTI and NOAD) was strongly engaged in organizing the event, promoted and sponsored by RDA Europe in collaboration with the universities of Turin, Milan, Bologna, Parma and with the patronage of AISA - the Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science. In light of the FAIR principles and their recent adoption in the EC Guideline...

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Open Data Day 2020 in Cyprus

OpenAIRE was presented in the event dedicated to the International Open Data Day 2020, held in Cyprus on the 5th of March 2020. The event was organised in Nicosia, by the Cyprus Ministry of Finance, Public Administration and Personnel Department and the Library of the University of Cyprus which acts as the Cyprus National Open Access Desk of OpenAIRE and partner of NI4OS Europe project. ️1 "Opening our data is providing an unlimited perspective on research, innovation, political accoun...

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Zenodo now supports DOI versioning!

We are pleased to announce the launch of DOI versioning support in Zenodo - the open research repository from OpenAIRE and CERN. This new feature enables users to update the record’s files after they have been made public and researchers to easily cite either specific versions of a record or to cite, via a top-level DOI, all the versions of a record.DOI versioning support was one of our most requested features for Zenodo, and it has been co-developed by OpenAIRE’s Zenodo team and EUDAT’s B2SHARE...

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Results Held Hostage: Hardware Design Software Licenses Holding Back Open Science

Prof. Francesco Mondada, Mobile robots architecture & design, Laboratoire de Systèmes Robotiques (LSRO), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), [caption id="attachment_896" align="alignright" width="178"] CC BY-SA 3.0 - Alain HerzogIn this extended guest post, Prof. Francesco Mondada describes a dilemma facing many researchers who use proprietary CAD software in their work but want to make their research results open: although education institutions, inclu...

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FOSTER seminar 'Embracing Data Management - Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice' June 4th 2015, Brussels

The Flemish Interuniversity Council, VLIR, organized a Foster workshop on Open Science and Research Data Management. The conference lived up to its name covering a wide variety of topics on Open Data and Data Management, ranging from policies and legal aspects to case studies, researcher’s experiences and useful applications.After a general introduction, in which Stefanie Van der Burght, Ghent University, underlined the importance of data management in a research environment and how this influen...

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