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Key Takeaways from OpenAIRE Session with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science

Bringing together Bulgarian policymakers and Open Science experts from the OpenAIRE community, the session addressed key pillars of Open Science – policy, training and infrastructure – and offered valuable insights into implementation processes in Belgium, Portugal and Ireland. The webinar kicked off with an introduction to the Open Science ecosystem in Bulgaria by Milena Damyanova, Director of the Science Directorate at the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. She emphasized that the im...

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Slovenia: Government adopted the Action Plan for Open Science

On 31 May 2023, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Action Plan for Open Science which is the basic implementation document to support complying with provisions on Open Science. These are determined in the Resolution on the Slovenian Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy 2030 and elaborated in more detail in the Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act and the recently adopted governmental Decree on the Implementation of Scientific Research Work in Accordance wi...

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A practical guide to implementing RRS for researchers

Tangible steps for simple execution In July 2022, with an update in January 2023, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research launched a guide on Rights Retention Strategy (RRS). The guide called "Implementing the rights retention strategy for scientific publications" is a tool designed for researchers and paves the way for immediate open access to articles at no additional cost, whatever the distribution model of the journal they are published in. The Content is divided into five ...

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Supporting Open Science in Malta

Ensuring that OS becomes an emergent mode of Scholarly Communication Human capacity is instrumental in ensuring that we achieve culture change which is an important catalyst for the implementation of Open Science practices by Josianne C. Vello  & Kevin J. Ellul The OpenAIRE team has the pleasure of speaking to Kevin J. Ellul, Director of Library Services and Josianne C. Vello, Deputy Director of Library Services at the University of Malta. Read their r...

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Supporting Open Science in the Czech Republic

I consider OpenAIRE to be an essential research infrastructure. by Michal Růžička The OpenAIRE team has the pleasure of speaking to our NOAD in the Czech Republic, Michal Růžička, Head of the Data Security and Management at the Masaryk University.  Read his reflections on Open Science.    How does Masaryk University support Open Science in the Czech Republic? Masaryk University (MU) has a strong position in support of Open Science in the Czech Re...

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CHIST-ERA announced the publication of the Call ORD

The CHIST-ERA consortium has created a common funding instrument to support transnational projects. Through this instrument, the national/regional funding organisations of CHIST-ERA support and join the Horizon Europe Open Science agenda. By launching joint calls, they can support more diverse communities, who are able to tackle the most challenging and novel Open Science topics.This call concerns the following topic:Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software (ORD) The challenges and prom...

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Swiss Research Data Day 2018

The Swiss Research Data Day on 12 June 2018 at ETH Zurich was organised by the Swiss research data management project DLCM and supported by the OpenAIRE2020 NOAD in Switzerland.There has been a data deluge in the research sector in recent years, accompanied by an increasing tendency to allow the scientific community access to original research data and the procedures used in order to enable study results to be fully reproduced. The management of research data is far from a straightforward issue,...

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Open Access week 22-28. October 2018 in Slovakia

 During Open Access week in Slovakia, we organized 2 events – a webinar and our national OpenAIRE workshop. We also provided materials for libraries, which they could download from our website and reuse. The Webinar was held on 23rd October and was about Creative Commons licenses. Around 15 people attended. Our speaker Zuzana Adamová discussed the basics of how and where to use CC licenses. The OpenAIRE Workshop happened the day after, on 24th October...

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Open Science Quest

Learning through the structure of a workshop is essential, but sometimes our brains also need distraction and entertainment. During the week of the Luxembourg Open Science Forum, library users were challenged to take part in the Open Science Quest to learn about Open Science practices at their own pace. The freely available Open Science Voyager Pack consisted of a travel sheet and a pencil (that can be planted to grow into herbs). Successful Voyagers were rewarded with a treasure at the end...

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"Promoting Open Science among Young Researchers": a FOSTER workshop by the Lithuanian NOAD

On March 19, 2015, the first seminar in the FOSTER-supported training programme "Promoting Open Science among young researchers: Challenges and Opportunities", took place. The topics discussed were: "EU and national open access and open science policies and practices, in relation to publicly funded research in Horizon 2020 and national grant schemes" and "Linking Open Access research publications with Open research data".The workshop was organized by OpenAIRE 2020 NOAD  Kaunas University of...

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On the way towards Open Science: first Israeli national workshop

On the 19th of November, 2019, the first Israeli OpenAIRE National Workshop –titled: On the Way Towards Open Science: "Set Science Free" took place in Bar Ilan university (BIU). The event was organized by the Iseraeli OpenAIRE NOAD Dr. Simcha Meir along with the libraries and information system department of BIU. With around 180 attendees, mainly librarians and researchers from all universities, and also a large number of colleges, representatives from various funding organizations: the Planning...

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Placing science closer to young citizens

Cover of the third issue of the Open Schools Journal for Open Science

The Open Schools Journal for Open Science is the first European peer review scientific journal that accepts original papers written by school-aged students from Primary to Secondary schools across Europe under the mentoring of their Teachers on all aspects of Science, Engineering and Technology.  The journal is hosted on the ePublishing platform of the National Documentation Centre in Greece and managed by Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) and is inviting school groups to submit their articles bas...

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Electronic Lab Notebooks - should you go “e”?

Authors: Paula Maria Martinez Lavanchy (ORCID), Technical University of Denmark and Asger Væring Larsen (ORCID), University Library of Southern Denmark A lab notebook is one of the most elementary records of research – at least in some disciplines. In a lab notebook, the researcher records all kinds of project related information – from hypothesis to results of experiments. The way a paper lab notebook is structured differs from discipline to discipline and from lab to lab. But, it often serves ...

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Danish OpenAIRE national workshop on challenges and possibilities for Open Science

On the November 16th 2016 a national workshop was held in Odense, Denmark at the University of Southern Denmark. The workshop opened with the perspective of recent developments in the area of data management in Europe in general and Denmark in particular with focus on Horizon 2020. One of the main developments in Denmark recently is the forming of the National Forum for Research Data Management with participants from all 8 Danish universities, The Royal Library, The State Library and the Nationa...

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National Open Science Days in Belgrade, Serbia

At the National Open Science Days,  held on October 18th and 19th in Belgrade, researchers from Serbia had the opportunity to get to know the principles of open science, as well as the changes that can be expected in the future. In addition to the experiences from other European countries, special attention has been paid to the Open Science Platform, which the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development adopted in July (see this blogpost for details...

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OpenAIRE Austrian National Workshop: “European Pathways to Open Science”

The OpenAIRE National Workshop for Austria took place during the International Open Access Week, on the 25th of October. It was designed as an information sharing event for researchers who take part in FP7 and H2020 Projects, research administration services and other interested services. It was organized by OpenAire NOAD, Austria and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), which is the Austrian NCP for the European Commission and also one of the most important funders for science in Austr...

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Luxembourg's first National Open Science conference

It was only 30 years ago that the first public research centres were founded in Luxembourg, but today research and innovation have settled as core priorities to contribute towards the country’s economic diversification and future prosperity. On Thursday 26th of October 2017, as part of the Open Access Week (23-29 October 2017), researchers from all research institutions within Luxembourg were invited to participate, discover, discuss the broad and valuable topic of Open Science. Being Luxembourg...

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Luxembourg Open Science Forum

A Forum, a quest, a policy.Those were the three words that characterised the week of 12 to 16 November 2018 in Luxembourg. Three days of seminars, debates and workshops, with speakers invited from across Europe, allowed attendants to explore ways of making research more visible, transparent and efficient. Ahead of the Forum, CEOs and stakeholders met to discuss a national plan for Open Science. And, for a week, library users were challenged to take on the Open Science Quest, an activity to disco...

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Portuguese OpenAIRE workshop 2016 on "Open Science and the Funders' Requirements: Open Access and Open Data in H2020"

On the November 4th 2016 the Portuguese OpenAIRE national workshop was held in Coimbra, Portugal, at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra. The workshop was focused on the Open Access and Open Data Horizon 2020 requirements but also aimed to have a more comprehensive view of Open Science. With the title "Open Science and the Funders' Requirements: Open Access and Open Data in H2020", this half-day workshop had four main presentations from Stephen Curry, Imperi...

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EOSCpilot Open Science Monitor specifications: Towards a dynamic and open European Open Science Monitor

The EOSCpilot is the first project towards the realisation of the EC’s vision for a common and trusted environment for practicing Open Science. Part of the project’s activities is a Policy Work Package aiming to develop an EOSC tailored Policy Framework complemented by a number of services to support this venture. Such Policy Framework will facilitate operational and strategic priorities set by the EOSC in the areas of Open Science and Open Scholarship, Procurement, Ethics and Data Protection fo...

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  3830 Hits