Guest post by Leo Waaijers and Saskia de Vries (QOAM)The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot is part of the EC OpenAIRE project, giving the Pilot roots in the library world. As a funding initiative for Open Access publications, however, the Pilot has a high stake in a well functioning publishing market with authors as typical customers. This turns this Pilot into a catalyser for library-author interaction.The role of libraries in supporting researchers to make appropriate publication choices in an ...
With the theme “Open Science for a Better Future", the 6th National Open Access Conference and OpenAIRE Workshop took place at Ege University Ataturk Cultural Center in Izmir, during 24-25 October 2017, hosted by Izmir Institute of Tehcnology. The aim of the event was to raise to awareness on open access, open science and open data and draw attention to harmonization of Open access policy, strategy, legislation, infrastructure and services in Turkey with the European Union (EU). Nearly 300 peo...
Over 50 partners and 100 attendees gathered at the end of January in Athens. The event was more a conference, than a kick-off, here are the top 10 take-aways: 1. OpenAIRE2020 is 3-5 projects in one OpenAIRE2020 has a grand vision: building on previous iterations, it is an infrastructure which now supports the OA mandate of the EC via a network of repositories, OA journals and information systems (CRIS). The project also includes a full complement of scholarly communication building blocks: resea...