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Open research data in Poland on the rise

The importance of research data management and sharing has been highlighted in the past few years among research communities in Poland. One of the main factors was the development and introduction of the National Science Centre's open science policy.   The National Science Centre has implemented open-access solutions with respect to research data and publications. In 2019, the agency included a Data Management Plan (DMP) in its application forms. In 2020, it adopted Open...

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The development of open research data repositories in Poland

Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM) has developed three data repositories open for researchers from various research fields and countries.  Services were created as part of the project "Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories" that was aimed at enhancing access to academic resources by making them available in dedicated research data repositories allowing for open data sharing (more about the project:

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The launch of the new Library of Science website in Poland

Over 320 people from Poland and around the world participated in the launch event of the Library of Science organized on June 15, 2021. The new website was inaugurated as part of the 'Platform of Polish Scientific Publications' project by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM UW).  The Library of Science - the new version of the platform An introductory speech was given by Marek Michalewicz, director of ICM UW, who presented the...

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Conference report: ORD2015 in Warsaw, May 28-29

Over 100 participants from 10 countries attended the international conference “Open Research Data: Implications for Science and Society” which took place in Warsaw on May 28-29, 2015. The conference was organized by the Open Science Platform – part of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw (ICM UW) – which also functions as the Polish OpenAIRE 2020 National Open Access Desk. The audience of the conference was very mixed, including re...

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  2017 Hits

OpenAIRE alternative funding for non-author fee publishing platforms: IBL PAN

*guest post by Maciej Maryl, Klaudia Grabowska, Barbara Jędraszko, Michał Starczewski Open Business Model of Indirect Institutional Benefits Enhancing Accessibility and Sustainability of  “Teksty Drugie” Design and Implementation of a Sustainable Open-Access Business Model for Polish Journals in the Humanities This blog post presents conclusions drawn from the process of converting a journal to open access, carried out at the Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research ...

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Open Access and research institutions in Poland

Blogpost by Michał Starczewski and Lidia Stępińska-Ustasiak   Report by  Wojciech Fenrich, Tomasz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Siewicz, Michał Starczewski, Lidia Stępińska-Ustasiak, and Jakub Szprot (editor). The Open Science Platform (ICM, University of Warsaw) has recently published a report “Open Access and research institutions”. The focus of the report is on the basic issues related to open access from the perspective of research institutions. Some more sophisticated and technical aspec...

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Training session on Research Data Management in Warsaw

On June 22, 2015, a one­day training session in Research Data Management (RDM) was organized in Warsaw by the Open Science Platform (ICM, University of Warsaw), ­ the Polish OpenAIRE2020 NOAD. The session was run by Kevin Ashley, director of the Digital Curation Centre (UK). Thirty participants from different parts of Poland attended the workshop. The majority of them were active researchers ­ mostly PhD students and young researchers ­ and librarians and...

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  1615 Hits

Poland: Initial open access policy

In October 2015, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) in Poland issued a document that reflects the Polish response to the European Commission's recommendation of July 17, 2012, on access to and preservation of scientific information. The published document, entitled „Directions of the development of open access to research publications and research results in Poland”, has been prepared by an expert group that had been working under the auspices of the Mi...

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Open Science in Poland 2014. A Diagnosis

Transition to Open Access in Poland has been happening for some time. Over 20 scientific institutions have repositories, some of them implemented OA policies, near 950 journals are available freely on the internet. But the transition results solely from bottom-up initiatives. The report “Open Science in Poland 2014. A Diagnosis” analyses the strengths and limitations of such a model.The aim of the report is to present a comprehensive overview of the current state of openness in Polish science. T...

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  2072 Hits

Scientific repositories in Poland – challenges and chances – organized by the Open Science Platform in Warsaw

Nearly 40 repository managers, representing close to all repositories in Poland, gathered in Warsaw on April 27, 2015, for a one-day workshop entitled „Scientific repositories in Poland – challenges and chances”. The workshop was organized by the Open Science Platform – an initiative of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw – who also function as the OpenAIRE 2020 NOAD in Poland. The workshop started with a webinar run by Ben McLeis...

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  2084 Hits