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SCHOLIX: A Global Framework for Linking Publications and Datasets

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the International Council for Science World Data System (ICSU-WDS) today announced a new global framework for linking publications and datasets. The Scholix framework (Scholarly Link Exchange) represents a set of aspirational principles and practical guidelines to support a global information ecosystem around links between scholarly literature and research data. The framework aims for a seamless exchange of information about literature and related data, there...

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New working group aims to put Scholix guidelines for data-literature integration into practice

A new working group has been formed to take data-literature linking to a new global scale - and there are great opportunities for OpenAIRE repositories.  This scholarly exchange ink xworking group, which builds on the achievements of the RDA-WDS Data Publishing WG, includes participants from infrastructure providers like CrossRef, DataCite and OpenAIRE; from publishers such as Elsevier and Springer Nature; and from data centres including Pangaea and the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.  T...

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