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Supporting Open Science in Serbia

Our active participation in OpenAIRE shows that we believe in the OpenAIRE community Everything we know about Open Science we have mostly learned from the people of OpenAIRE. by  Biljana Kosanovic  The OpenAIRE team has the pleasure of speaking to Biljana Kosanovic, Information Specialist at the University of Belgrade. Read her reflections on Open Science.   How does the University of Belgarde support Open Science in Serbia? There are several groups at the University of ...

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Open Science Days in Serbia (III)

The third edition of the Open Science Days, a biannual event presenting new developments in all areas of Open Science (OS) in Serbia, was organized by the OpenAIRE NOAD in Serbia on 5–6 November 2020. The event was organized in a virtual environment (Zoom sessions and live streaming on YouTube). It focused on local developments and all presentations were in Serbian. Several colleagues from the region also attended. During the first day of the Open Science Days, the audience could hear about rece...

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  3175 Hits

Serbia has adopted a national science policy!

Serbia has  adopted a national science policy on July 14th, 2018, called the 'Open Science Platform'. The Serbian version of the policy is available on the official webpage of the Serbian Ministry (MESTD) and the version in English is available on OpenAIRE. The discussion about OS in Serbia started in 2014. At the time, in Serbia, OA was mandated only for PhD theses. Therefore, a working group was established by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MESTD) with t...

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  4787 Hits

Serbia celebrates Open Access Week with ORCID tutorials!

Kickstart your ORCID ID!  OpenAIRE NOAD in Serbia has released a set of brief video tutorials about ORCID IDs. The video's are in Serbian and should be understood throughout the Western Balkans. They are intended for all those who (still) do not have ORCID profiles, but they may also be useful for registered ORCID users who have not fully set up their profiles. [embed][/embed] Each topic is e...

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  3291 Hits

Open Science in Horizon 2020: Serbia OpenAIRE National Workshop

Over 350 researchers attended “Open Science in Horizon 2020”: the Serbia OpenAIRE National Workshop hosted by the University of Belgrade on November 8, 2016.   The event was opened by the Vice Rector of the University of Belgrade and the Deputy Minister of Science. The presentations covered the following topics: "OpenAIRE as a European infrastructure supporting Open Science", "OpenAIRE2020 in Serbia: an overview and successes" and a new Erasmus+ project  "BE-OPEN (Boosting Engagem...

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  2875 Hits

Open Access publishing in Serbia and Western Balkan Open Science Working Group

Supporting Open Access journal editors and publishers in Serbia and participating in the Western Balkan Working Group on Open Science SCIndeks is the central hub of the integrated system of quality-controlled scientific publishing in Serbia. The SCIndeks team developed guides and templates to help editorial boards of Serbian Open Access journals to comply with the "new" DOAJ inclusion criteria on publication policy and licensing. New functionalities in editor services were implemented and SCInde...

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  2768 Hits

National Open Science Days in Belgrade, Serbia

At the National Open Science Days,  held on October 18th and 19th in Belgrade, researchers from Serbia had the opportunity to get to know the principles of open science, as well as the changes that can be expected in the future. In addition to the experiences from other European countries, special attention has been paid to the Open Science Platform, which the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development adopted in July (see this blogpost for details...

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  4756 Hits

Open science in the newly adopted Law on Science and Research in Serbia

Open Science is an internationally and universally accepted term that includes open (free for the end-users) access to scientific and educational literature, open research, open innovation, open source software, etc. In all documents regulating science in the European Union (and beyond), open access is mandatory, as the wider community has the right of access to the results of scientific research funded from public sources, i.e. by the money of taxpayers. The Ministry of Education, Science and T...

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  7863 Hits

The spirit of openness in Belgrade during the Open Access Week: Conference The Application of Free Software and Open Hardware

The second conference The Application of Free Software and Open Hardware (Primena slobodnog softvera i otvorenog hardvera – PSSOH) was certainly the most vibrant event organized in Serbia on the occasion of the 2019 Open Access Week. The conference was held on 26 October 2019 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. The conference programme, divided into five sessions, featured invited presentations on a wide range of topics, including open-source culture and local free-...

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  4240 Hits

Aligning the development of Open Science in Serbia with European initiatives

Team for Open Science in Serbia (TONuS) officially start working

​Open science has become a reality and a necessity for all disciplines in the Serbian research community. By adopting the Open Science Platform (2018) and the Law on Science and Research (2019), the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development showed its commitment to implement the principles of Open Science in Serbia. Over the past two years, it has been possible to identify a number of actions and activities that could lead to an effective implementation of OS principles in Ser...

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  4220 Hits