On 31 May 2023, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Action Plan for Open Science which is the basic implementation document to support complying with provisions on Open Science. These are determined in the Resolution on the Slovenian Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy 2030 and elaborated in more detail in the Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act and the recently adopted governmental Decree on the Implementation of Scientific Research Work in Accordance wi...
A new Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act came into force in Slovenia with the beginning of 2022, which also contains provisions regarding open science. The latter is mentioned in Articles 2(6), 12(2) - items 2 and 9, 16, 20, and 31. Articles 40-42 are completely dedicated to open science.The Act was drafted with high support of stakeholders and brings many important solutions. It will enable the development of high-quality and globally comparable scientific research, improve fundi...
The RDA Node Slovenia and collaborating infrastructures and institutions were organizing a workshop on research data management (RDM), to take place on 11 March 2020 at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. Due to the fast progression of the coronavirus, one day before the workshop was due, the decision was made to carry it out online. Presentations and recordings in Slovenian are available from the programme.The workshop programme delivered presentations on:RDM recommendations and guid...
The Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport hosted the conference on best practices of managing open access to publications and research data and on toll access to publications, with a view of enabling open science. The event took place on 1 October 2015 and was attended by approximately 130 participants in the hall as well as by 596 spectators of the video streaming. The presentations are available at event webpage and the video at Arnes Video portal. The welcome address was delivere...
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has adopted the National strategy of open access to scientific publications and research data in Slovenia 2015-2020 on 3 September 2015. The Slovenian and English versions are available at the Ministry web page. OpenAIRE and PASTEUR4OA , together with project partner EIFL, provided a joint submission to support the National strategy during the public consultation process. The National Strategy provides a good-practice example of a fully aligne...
The European Commission has determined mandatory open access to all peer-reviewed publications from projects, co-funded by the Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation. The open research data pilot will be carried out in the years 2014 and 2015. The EU member states should adopt the same mandates for the national research funding.The public consultation on the draft document entitled "Open Access in Slovenia 2015-2020: Principles and Regulation Regarding the Open Access...
The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is exploring integration of ESFRI research infrastructures (ESFRI RIs) into the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). During the joint workshop in London on 30 January 2019, representatives of the EOSC, e-infrastructures, and ESFRI and ESFRI RIs discussed alignment of activities to expose quality tools, services and FAIR research data to 1.7 million European researchers. ESFRI RIs are acting according to the ESFRI Strategy report...
The Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana and OpenAIRE-Advance National Open Access Desk organized a conference on open science within the 10th Liber.ac Academic Book Fair.Open science aspects were presented by distinguished international experts, Slovenian high-level officials and experts chaired the presentations and discussion:Open science in the European Research Area – speaker Dr Dr René von Schomberg, Head of the Open Science Unit, Directorate-General for Research and Innovat...
The workshop was organized by the Commission for Research and Development Work of the University of Ljubljana and the Slovenian OpenAIRE-Advance National Open Access Desk. The programme, presentations and videos are available at the Open Science Archived Events webpage. The workshop opened with an overview of open science and presentations of the latest activities on (super)computing in Slovenia. Then a representative of the FAIRsFAIR project presented FAIR assessment of research data, and a rep...
The Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation has commissioned a policy report on the transformation of research and innovation at the European universities. Within the assignment, the contractor Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services and its partner Coffey Consulting have organized a workshop entitled Towards a 2030 Vision on the European Universities of the Future. It took place in Brussels on 4 March 2020. The draft policy brief was discussed by representatives of un...
The OpenUP project on “OPENing UP new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, impact measurement and dissemination of research results” held its final conference in Brussels on 5-6 September 2018. The three project topics were discussed from different aspects, including gender, thereby reflecting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which promotes an open and gender sensitive science ecosystem, sharing information among researchers, innovative industries and citizens. The OpenUP pro...
Max Planck Society President Martin Stratmann said that “Open Access is the responsibility of all of us”. In this spirit, 170 participants from 37 countries and international organisations gathered at the 14th Berlin Open Access Conference (3-4 December 2018) to align strategies for a transformation of subscription based scholarly communication to complete and immediate open access. The OA2020 Expression of Interest to drive such a transformation has been signed by 115 research funding and perfo...
UNICA (the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe) organized a seminar on academic leadership in open science policies and implementation. It was attended by approximately 30 rectors and vice-rectors from UNICA member universities and other university staff. The invited presentations, panel discussions and audience comments crystalized importance of the following topics:Universities are leaders in open science;Scholarly communication and research assessment have to change with ...
Approximately 120 participants attended the event entitled Practical aspects of publishing in open access: a seminar for researchers and librarians, which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, at the premises of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport on 20 May 2015. The event was jointly organized by the Ministry and three libraries (the National and University Library, the Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana, the University of Maribor Library) and was live streamed t...