The second progress report is already available for the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot providing information on the first four months of the project with data as of Sep 30th. The results show that the initiative is gradually taking up, with more than double funding requests having been granted in this 4-month period than in the first two months of the Pilot. The rhythm of growth is however slower than initially expected, due to both the season which the initiative has been launched i...
1053 Hits
One of the main aims of this EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot is to openly share information on the figures associated to the gradual increase in its uptake. We have so far done this via periodic reporting (see the most recent one here, with comprehensive figures as of Nov 30th, 2015). In the meantime, our technical team at the Athena Research Centre in Athens have been working on the statistics module that would allow relevant data for this funding initiative such as the total number of appr...
807 Hits