OpenAIRE today releases the results of its survey conducted in Autumn 2016, which gauged the views towards open peer review (OPR) of over 3,062 editors, authors and reviewers. The report, entitled "OpenAIRE survey on open peer review: Attitudes and experience amongst editors, authors and reviewers" shows that open peer review is moving mainstream, with high levels of enthusiasm and experience amongst those surveyed.Read the report: Abstract: Open peer ...
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Last January 19th initiated the Austrian national survey regarding research data. This survey is performed within the scope of e-Infrastructures Austria, which is a project sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW). Within this context, this is the first time a nation wide survey regarding research data is performed in Austria.Participants include all scientists and researchers from all participating project partners. Dr. Christian Gumpenberger from the Library S...
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