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Türkiye Makes Strides in Open Science Thanks to OpenAIRE

Gultekin Gurdal, the Library Director at Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) and an executive board member of OpenAIRE AMKE, attended the Polish Open Science Conference that took place 10–12 April 2024. This key event, focused on all aspects of Open Science, provided a platform for researchers, librarians, data managers, and scientific infrastructure developers to discuss critical issues such as Open Access publishing, research data management, and the European Open Scienc...

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Building a Community of EOSC Experts in Türkiye

Α full-day training programme to a community of people from different regions of Türkiye and disciplines, but with a common goal of open science and a shared belief in the importance of EOSC.  Background: On the 17th and 18th of July 2023, the Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) hosted an EOSC Train the Trainer Workshop as part of the EOSC Future project. The workshop's main goal was to increase researchers' knowledge of EOSC and to promote the use of EOSC services and tools in Türkiye. ...

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IZTECH University’s view on Research Data: An example of Research Data Reuse

 OpenAIRE Turkey NOAD (National Open Access Desk) and Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) Library Director Gültekin Gürdal, who is also the member of "OpenAIRE Research Data Management Task Force", has initiated a study in a Research University in Turkey namely IZTECH, that can set an example toother institutions on  data reuse.

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Sustainable Open Science and Equity in Open Knowledge in Turkey: The 7th National Open Science Conference and OpenAIRE Advance Workshop

Experts and respected speakers in their field

The 7th National Open Science Conference (AB2019) and OpenAIRE Advance Workshop which aims to raise awareness of open access, open science, open data, and OpenAIRE services; to support open science policy, strategy, legislation, infrastructure, and services in Turkey being compatible with European Union (EU); to share information about the activities carried out and planned by the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK); and to...

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Turkey Research Data and Open Data Task Force Established

Research Data and Open Data Task Force

In Turkey a Research Data and Open Data Task Force comprised of librarians from 6 Research Universities and selected 4 Foundation Universities has been established with approval of the institutions' managers. At the 7th National Open Science Conference and OpenAIRE Advance Workshop hosted by Izmir Institute of Technology on 20 November 2019, Prof. Dr. Naci Gundogan, Executive Board Member of the CoHE & Chairman of the CoHE Open Science Committee, declared of the formally creation of "Turkey ...

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A Big Step from IZTECH in the Open Science Way

​Following the approval of the IZTECH Open Science Policy, which contains details on both publications and research data, by the Senate Decision on 26 March 2019, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) hosted an important event within the scope of the OpenAIRE Advance project with the motto "Science Set Free". IZTECH is one of the project partners of the EU technical infrastructure Project, OpenAIRE and leads the work on Open Science in Turkey. "On the way towards Open Science – Science Set Free...

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All Stakeholders Came Together at “Turkish Open Science Summit 2018”

Organized by Sabancı University, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Izmir Institute of Technology, Hacettepe University and Anadolu University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS); Turkish Open Science Summit 2018 which would be an important milestone for long-standing works on Open Access and Open Scicence, was held on Monday, September 10, 2018 at Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum the Seed, Istanbul.It was attended by 170  people from the administrators o...

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Open Access to Theses and Dissertations in Turkey has been Enacted by the Parliament

This has been an extremely important improvement for the open access in Turkey. The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) National Theses Center and Turkey OpenAIRE NOAD  had worked hard to make compulsory open access to theses and dissertations. As a result of these efforts, the Art. 10 of Law numbered 7100 has been entered into force upon publication of the Official Gazette numbered 30352 and dated March 06, 2018. According to this article, which constitutes Additional Art 40 of Higher Educat...

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