Working Group
Business Models WG
The Business Models (BM) WG is overseen by the Services and Technology Standing Committee. Its main tasks are related to the
- Users and market: Define users per service and the value of services, including competitive environment.
- Costs: Identify costs of operation, maintenance and upgrade related to hardware, personnel costs, training and communication. Calculate break even points for services and evaluate how expanding usage affects costs.
- Revenues:
- Identify different types of access models for services and develop corresponding pricing models, e.g., freemium, per users/active users, usage/hits, storage, or computing costs, set up costs, subscriptions, etc.
- Identify revenue sources, e.g., membership from members or MS, EU funding to enhance and partially operate services, tenders for evaluation with or without synergies with companies, institutional use, international approach, etc.
- Governance: What is the most fitting governance model for services, the role of AMKE, members and non-members, roadmaps and responsibilities?
- Partnerships: What kind of partnerships to build in order to promote services and have most impact?
Natalia Manola
Pedro Principe
Pauli Assinen
Anna Lunden
Paolo Manghi
Androniki Pavlidou
Pedro Principe
Pauli Assinen
Anna Lunden
Paolo Manghi
Androniki Pavlidou
