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EOSC Future Dahlem Workshop: Accelerating Open Science in EOSC: Collaborative interfaces between Scientific Domains and Disciplines

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5 Mar 2024 - 7 Mar 2024

The project EOSC Future organises this Dahlem type Workshop during its transition period in order to enhance the dialogue between the scientific domains and their disciplines towards the synthetic approach and to ensure that the EOSC platform is supporting this approach. To learn more about Dahlem Workshops please access this background reading

The overall objective of this Workshop is to bring together the actors from the EOSC Future Science Projects, that is the scientific and engineering teams of the Science Clusters and their affiliated Research Infrastructures, eInfrastructure providers, with the top scientists from each domain from around the world in order to identify:

1. Collaborative interfaces between sciences and disciplines, 

2. Ways by which the EOSC platform can support and accelerate the work to be done in these interfaces.

For that, it brings together the actors from the EOSC Future Science Projects, that is the scientific and engineering teams of the Science Clusters and their affiliated Research Infrastructures, eInfrastructure providers, with the top scientists from each domain from around the world.

What: The “Sciences share a common ancestry because they all stem from philosophy, that is the need of humans to explain phenomena by using their mind and being freed up from mysticism and tyranny. Starting from their primitive stages and throughout the larger part of their history, sciences benefited from each other’s progress simply by attempting the application of common approaches. Although the basic mechanism of their functioning remains, still, the same - observation, interpretation, hypothesis formation, experimentation design and execution, analysis of results, and their conversion into knowledge – the scientific domains and their disciplines have witnessed a deep specialisation over the last couple of centuries and have lost most of these common approaches.

Why: The situation described above, has taken away much of the possibility from the scientific domains and their disciplines to benefit from each other’s progress and to work together in order to develop their collaborative interfaces, their trading zones although few such examples exist. Coupled with technology, these trading zones could unfold a huge potential to develop innovation and synthetic knowledge and facilitate our responses to major societal demands (e.g., adaptation to climate change, food security, health, etc.).   

How:  The contribution of this Dahlem-type Workshop is to facilitate this dialogue and accelerate the development of these trading zones through a structured approach which compares the ways by which the scientific domains and their disciplines carry out research and create knowledge through a predefined approach:

  1. An introduction to the overall, specific objectives and modes of operation of the Workshop;
  2. Examples provided by the scientific and technical teams of the Science Projects, and the related Science Clusters, carried out in the EOSC Future on how the project has promoted the creation of the collaborative interfaces between the domains and their disciplines;
  3. Examples will be provided from the engineering teams of the project on how these collaborative interfaces have physically developed and how the work carried out has been facilitated by the development of the EOSC Future platform;
  4. Examples will be provided from top scientists on the major progress events within their domains and disciplines and approaches by which this progress has been achieved;
  5. Examples provided by the top scientists on what are the current major challenges within their domains and disciplines and the ways by which they try to face them.
  6. Few examples of training and education needs from Early Career Researchers may be provided, to ensure that EOSC is fit for purpose for future generations of researchers. 

Outcome: Over the two days of this Dahlem-type Workshop, a series of plenary and breakout sessions are planned in order to facilitate the approach described above and try to develop a common framework for the enhancement of the physical development of the structure of the trading zones between the scientific domains, their potential functioning within the EOSC platform, and ways by which these trading zones can promote the creation of multidisciplinary and cross-domain knowledge, the synthetic knowledge, and resulting innovation. This framework will subsequently be published in the international peer-review journal.


Contact details:

Cristina Huertas  | Ana Mellado

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Categories: Workshops
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