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 H2020 project establishing the e-Infras and EOSC service catalogue. OpenAIRE is involved (via our partner CNR) to ensure scholarly communication services are represented in the European catalogues of e-services.
 H2020 project aiming to coordinate and enrich existing energy databases to promote a trans-disciplinary research and to develop partnerships between researchers and the energy professionals.
 H2020 project developing and improving the functionality of the current manifestation of EOSC - the EOSC Portal, further augmenting the catalogue of services assembled to date, and connecting independent, thematic data clouds for the benefit of users and service providers across Europe

OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe), funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme (FP7), aimed to support the implementation of Open Access in Europe. It provided the means to promote and realize the widespread adoption of the Open Access Policy, as set out by the ERC Scientific Council Guidelines for Open Access and the Open Access (OA) pilot launched by the European Commission (EC).

 OpenAIRE-Advance consolidates a suite of open science services while working to shift the momentum among its communities to Open Science as a trusted e-Infrastructure within the realms of the European Open Science Cloud.OpenAIRE-Advance strives to empower OpenAIRE's National Open Access Desks (NOADs) so they become a pivotal part within their own national data infrastructures, positioning Open Access and Open Science onto national agendas.

OpenAIRE-Connect builds technological and social bridges and delivers services for a uniform exchange of research artefacts (literature, data, and methods) with semantic links between them across among research communities and xontent providers in scientific communication. Its main contributions are two services, the Research Community Dashboard  and a Catch-All Notification Broker, which deliver out-of-the-box, on demand, deployable tools via an end-user driven approach via the involvement of 5 Research communities.

The EC “Horizon 2020” programme extended the FP7 OA pilot to a broad mandate covering all projects and instituted a new pilot for Open Data. OpenAIRE2020 implemented and monitored these activities by promoting open scholarship and improving the discoverability and reusability of H2020 research publications and data. It brought together professionals from 50 institutions all over Europe, including research libraries, open scholarship organisations, national e-Infrastructure, data experts, IT and legal researchers. The National Open Access Desks (NOADs)  expanded to 33 countries.

OpenAIREplus (2nd Generation of Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) expanded the publication repository networks to collaborate with data providers from domain specific scientific areas  supporting the management of and interlinking between scientific data. The NOAD network was expanded to 31 countries, while the project leveraged its international connections to contribute to common standards, data issues and interoperability on a global level.