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The discussion among the scientific institutions of Latvia is going on about setting up the network of national research data repositories.

Latvian Sociological Association (LSA) has developed the plan for establishing a national data service for the social sciences in Latvia by engaging in the CESSDA ERIC project CESSDA SaW. More information here.

The Riga Technical University repository collects and stores the scientific research data and other relevant information in all fields of knowledge of RTU, the repository is registered in

NARCIS is the gateway that provides access to 386,000 of scholarly datasets (November 2022) from researchers at Dutch universities and research institutes. NARCIS harvests 25 Dutch data repositories. DANS with the data archive EASY and 4TU.ResearchData provides durable storage and access to research data. These data sets are also made public by NARCIS.

Storage of research data during the research

In 2013 a number of Dutch universities, universities of applied sciences, and research institutes joined the DataverseNL, a partnership that jointly manages and deploys the Dataverse Network open source application for the archiving, citing and sharing of research data during the research by researchers themselves. The data management is in the hands of the institutions; DANS has been managing DataverseNL since May 2014.

Storage of research data after the research

DANS provides sustainable access to research data through EASY, an online archiving system. Researchers can use EASY to archive their own research data for the long term. Most data are open data or open after registration. DANS is developing Data Stations in Archaeology (now ready); Social Sciences and Humanities; Life, Health and Medical Sciences; and Physical and Technical Sciences. These Data Stations will replace EASY.

4TU.Centre for Research Data (4TU.ResearchData), a cooperation of TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, Wageningen University and Research Centre, and University of Twente, guarantees the storage, reuse and continuing accessibility of science and engineering research data. There are 23 other data archives in the Netherlands, from universities, but also from other research institutes, e.g. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) or the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

Collaboration Research Data institutes

DANS, 4TU.ResearchData, SURF, and the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (DTL) have joined forces on sustainable data archiving within the Research Data Netherlands (RDNL) partnership. The partnership is also open to other parties. RDNL organises RDM training for data supporters: Essentials 4 Data Support.

More information

For more information on open data in the Netherlands see

There are only few data repositories in the Czech Republic; the most important among them are
  • Czech Social Science Data Archive (Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic),
  • LINDAT-Clarin Repository (Centre for Language Research Infrastructure in the Czech Republic; Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague).

Repositories managing open national data:

Generic data repositories

National data repositories are included in Re3Data. However, these repositories and data centers do not exclusively hold and preserve Norwegian content, but they are rather part of European or International infrastructure networks.

Currently, 37 data repositories are listed in Re3Data filtering by country “Italy”. 19 are based in Italy, the remaining ones are run in collaboration with foreign organizations. Since 2018, three universities have adopted a dataverse based data repository.

The publications produced from the projects supported by TUBITAK must be uploaded to TUBITAK Open Archive that provides service under the name Aperta . It is recommended that the research data of these publications should be open access.

TUBITAK has prepared the “Research Data Training Portal”where sample data management plans are shared to assist the researchers in data management and sharing.

Open Access repositories in Slovakia can be found on OpenDOAR.

There is ongoing project on setting up national Open Access repository.

Updated in August 2022.

National nodes of ESFRI infrastructures, also maintaining research data repositories, are Social Science Data Archives, CLARIN.SI, and ELIXIR Slovenia.

Social Science Data Archives, a member of CESSDA ERIC, managed by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana, is collecting and enabling different degrees of access to research data from the social sciences research.

CLARIN.SI, a member of CLARIN ERIC, managed by the Jožef Stefan Institute, maintains a repository for language tools and resources.

SI-DIH DARIAH, part of DARIAH-EU, enables searching of research data in different repositories from the humanities and the arts.

The institutional Repository of the University of Ljubljana and the institutional Digital Library of the University of Maribor as well as a common Digital Repository of the Slovenian Research Organizations were upgraded to enable  research data deposit and storage (either at the repository server or big data at the Vega supercomputer), with full or limited public access to research datasets. The said repositories allocate Handle PIDs to all repository records and to all files.

Open Data Portal Slovenia (OPSI) enables access to data, tools and resources that can be used for development of web and mobile applications and for other purposes.

Until the beginning of 2020, there were only 2 data repositories in Poland: the general the general purpose Repository for Open Data RepOD launched in 2015, and the disciplinary repository of linguistics datasets CLARIN-PL.


In 2020, new data repositories were launched by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw as part of the project "Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories" (Dziedzinowe Repozytoria Otwartych Danych Badawczych - English information). All repositories are open for everyone to use and free of charge. 

  • Repository for Open Data (RepOD, Repozytorium Otwartych Danych) - a new version of the repository, a general-purpose repository for open research data, offering scholars the possibility to deposit their datasets. The purpose of the repository is to make available in the Internet research data, such as tables, photographs, audiovisual material, and any other types of data created, collected, or annotated for academic research.
  • Macromolecular Xtallography Raw Data Repository (MX-RDR) - a domain-specific digital repository of raw diffraction data collected for macromolecular crystals. It includes tools simplifying metadata descriptions by combining information extracted directly from diffraction images, obtained from the PDB database and/or user input.
  • Social Data Repository (RDS, Repozytorium Danych Społecznych) - a domain-specific digital repository of social data. The purpose of the repository is to make available in the Internet social data, consisting of data sets and accompanying technical or methodological documentation.


Open Forest Data - data repository designed to provide access to natural sciences data and provide scientists with an infrastructure for storing, sharing and archiving their research outcomes, it was launched within the project e-Puszcza. Podlasie nature scientific data repository by Mammal Research Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences and Bialystok University of Technology.


Bridge of Data - data repository that allows for the collecting and sharing of research data from various disciplines and in various formats, it was developed as part of the project "Bridge of Data. Multidisciplinary Open Knowledge Transfer System - stage II: Open Research Data" by the Gdańsk University of Technology. 

LiDA (Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities)

MIDAS (National Open Access Research Data Archive)

COD(Crystallography Open Database)

CLARIN-LT (repository of resources in Linguistics, Humanities and Social Sciences)

National repositories in Re3Data

Estonia has no centrally funded nor managed data repository. Various subject groups have developed their own data repositories.

  1. Estonian Repositories in Re3Data 
  2. UNITE, Unified system for the DNA based funal species linked to the classification. 
  3. ESTA (Eesti Sotsiaalteaduslik Andmearhiiv)
  4. Estonian Biocentre Public Data 
  5. Center of Estonian Language Resources
  6. University of Tartu Open Data Repository DataDOI - non-subject specific data repository.

There are five data repositories registered in the re3data database in Hungary. Two of them are run by research centres and mostly host data in the fields of SSH. The others include HunCLARIN, which is a member of the European project CLARIN and has a large collection of data in the fields of SSH; however, generally, it hosts cross-disciplinary data. Hungary is a member of GEOMIND, a centralised cross-border gateway for geophysical data search and acquirement, and a partner in KADoNiS, the Karlsruhe Astrophysical Database of Nucleosynthesis in Stars.


  • TÁRKI Data Archive stores data collections of empirical social research.
  • The data collections contain factographic (ie. numerical) data.
  • The research data are mostly from survey research, but we also archive other factographic data collections (eg. historical data, census, etc).
  • The datasets are available in digital (machine-readable) format.
  • The data collections that contain personal data about natural persons - ie. about real people - are anonymized.
  • We store the datasets in SPSS (system and partable) and ASCII formats.
  • Users need special analytical tools (statistical software) and skills to use the data collections.

KDK Repository

This is the data repository of the Research Documentation Centre (RDC) at the Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. You can browse through researches conducted at the four institutes (Institute for Legal Studies, Institute for Minority Studies, Institute for Political Science, Institute for Sociology) of the Centre for Social Sciences and download research collections. Every user can search among the topics, the researchers and other basic information about the research collections. Some of our collections are available to the public without registration.


There are two objectives of the Openbiomaps project: first, to maintain an open and free biological database service; second, to develop biological data handling software applications. The Openbiomaps project thus provides a stable background for open and free biological databases, specifically for scientists and conservationists, and its customizable toolset allows for the easy access and management of data.

Luxembourg does not yet have a national data repository. Researchers are recommended to deposit their data on a subject-specific repository. You may search for a suitable one on the Registry of Research Data Repositories, Re3data. Alternatively, you may deposit your data in a general repository such as Zenodo.

Since June 2020 there is a National repository for open access to scientific information. It is a cross-disciplinary repository administrated by NACID for scientific publications that are result from publicly funded research.

Bulgarian institutional repositories (all integrated with BPOS):

- Repository at IMI-BAS -

- Research at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-

- Electronic Repository of Central Medical Library – Medical university Sofia

- Medical Academic Repository of MU-Varna -

- New Bulgarian University NBU Scholar Electronic Repository -

- Academic Research Repository at the Burgas Free University