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  • OpenOrgs expedites the data curation of university of Belgrade scholarly works
  • Advancing scholarly openness: progress and achievements in Serbia
  • In previous years, a team was formed at the University level with the aim of IT supporting all services related to the implementation of Open Science. After developing an IT solution (a DSpace installation) and recognizing the need to develop localised expertise, the team expanded to include librarians who trained administrators and researchers in essential skills such as licences, openness, and persistent identifiers (PIDs). This solution allowed the University of Belgrade's openness data to be showcased at platforms such as Monitormade and that enabled data openness of the University of Belgrade to be displayed at:  However, a challenge arose due to the existence of different versions of the university's name, causing issues with proper identification and disambiguation.  How could the team cope up with both challenges holistically?
  • Over the past four years, the University of Belgrade has made significant strides in embracing openness within its scientific community.
  • The IT solution aimed to implement repositories compliant with the OpenAIRE Guidelines v3.0, ensuring interoperability and significantly increasing visibility. Following the implementation most faculties and institutes successfully completed their tasks (indicated by the green status at ). As for the disambiguation problem, this is where OpenOrgs came into play. By utilising OpenOrgs, the University of Belgrade was able to address the problem of variant name versions, ensuring accurate identification and representation of their data across OpenAIRE platforms. The use of OpenOrgs facilitated the seamless integration of the university's information, enhancing visibility and accessibility for monitoring and exploration purposes, as seen on the OpenAIRE MONITOR dashboard for University of Belgrade (
  • The positive example set by the University of Belgrade has inspired other institutions in Serbia to follow. Consequently, the number of repositories across the country has continued to grow, as evidenced by and on Open Science Observatory country page . The disambiguation of the University of Belgrade using OpenOrgs facilitated better classification, linkages and retrieval of +93K scientific publications, 51 projects, 858 research data and +1,5K other research products, as documented at OpenAIRE EXPLORE ( .
  • The University of Belgrade, an esteemed educational and research institution in Central Europe, continues to foster advancements in various fields such as culture, science, education, politics, and the economy. Upholding its historic traditions while embracing modernity, it illustrates its innovative spirit through the adoption of Open Science.
  • “Set goals, measure progress regularly and you have a chance to move things in the right direction.”
  • Use case quote person: Biljana Kosanovic, NOAD for Serbia
  • Visit Website
  • Visit Website
  • Use case Related services:
    • Service Name: Open Science Observatory, Service Image: , Service URL:
    • Service Name: OpenAIRE Graph, Service Image: , Service URL:
    • Service Name: OpenAIRE MONITOR, Service Image: , Service URL:
    • Service Name: OpenAIRE EXPLORE, Service Image: , Service URL:
  • OpenOrgs expedites the data curation of university of Belgrade scholarly works

The following image is a screenshot of the curation process within OpenOrgs service, highlighting the various duplicate entries available for approval or removal.

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And here's the final, carefully curated University of Belgrade record in OpenOrgs:

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The result of the curation process passes on OpenAire EXPLORE, as all metadata are updated so that users discover more qualitative information.

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Lastly, the impact of the curation in OpenOrgs, is also visible on the OpenAIRE MONITOR.

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