CVTISR - The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR
The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information´s mission is to foster the development and promotion of open science in Slovakia, to provide methodical and coordination services at the national level. It also promotes international scientific and technical cooperation in Open Science, with an emphasis on participation in programs, initiatives and projects within the European Research Area.
Contribution to Open Science
The Slovak Centre of Scientific and technical Information is since 2013 National Reference Point for Open Access. In 2014 it became also Key Node for project PASTEUR4OA and part of SCOAP3. Since 2015 it became part of OpenAIRE projects as NOAD. Through Open Government Partnership where the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the Development of the Civil Society introduced new initiatives, it was participating in its Action Plans to accomplish Open Access goals. In 2016 Contact office for Open Access was created. In 2020 it entered EOSC association on behalf of Slovakia. In 2021 first National Strategy for Open Science was adopted by Slovak government.
Goals and objectives
We would like to make all aspects of Open Science in Slovakia reality not only through cooperation with Slovak but also with foreign stakeholders. As recognized in National strategy for Open Science the priority strategic areas of the implementation of open science principles in Slovakia are the following areas: Open access to publications funded from public resources and/or in the public interest,Open access to scientific data and supplementary materials, Technical infrastructure for open science, Open science funding, Protection of intellectual property rights in the context of open science, Fostering the use of open IT tools and existing open data, Education in the area of open science, R&D evaluation in line with open science principles and fostering citizen science.
Member since2009
Contact Info
Silvia Sofianos
We are offering consultations on Open Science for journal editors, librarians and researchers. We are also organizing conferences, workshop and webinars on topics related to Open Science. We are also providing opportunity to learn more about Open Science through our accredited courses. Last but not least we operate website about Open Science https://otvorenaveda.cvtisr.sk/.
Goals and/or Objectives: We would like to make all aspects of Open Science in Slovakia reality not only through cooperation with Slovak but also with foreign stakeholders. As recognized in National strategy for Open Science the priority strategic areas of the implementation of open science principles in Slovakia are the following areas: Open access to publications funded from public resources and/or in the public interest, Open access to scientific data and supplementary materials, Technical infrastructure for open science, Open science funding, Protection of intellectual property rights in the context of open science, Fostering the use of open IT tools and existing open data, Education in the area of open science, R&D evaluation in line with open science principles and fostering citizen science.
Goals and/or Objectives: We would like to make all aspects of Open Science in Slovakia reality not only through cooperation with Slovak but also with foreign stakeholders. As recognized in National strategy for Open Science the priority strategic areas of the implementation of open science principles in Slovakia are the following areas: Open access to publications funded from public resources and/or in the public interest, Open access to scientific data and supplementary materials, Technical infrastructure for open science, Open science funding, Protection of intellectual property rights in the context of open science, Fostering the use of open IT tools and existing open data, Education in the area of open science, R&D evaluation in line with open science principles and fostering citizen science.