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There are five data repositories registered in the re3data database in Hungary. Two of them are run by research centres and mostly host data in the fields of SSH. The others include HunCLARIN, which is a member of the European project CLARIN and has a large collection of data in the fields of SSH; however, generally, it hosts cross-disciplinary data. Hungary is a member of GEOMIND, a centralised cross-border gateway for geophysical data search and acquirement, and a partner in KADoNiS, the Karlsruhe Astrophysical Database of Nucleosynthesis in Stars.


  • TÁRKI Data Archive stores data collections of empirical social research.
  • The data collections contain factographic (ie. numerical) data.
  • The research data are mostly from survey research, but we also archive other factographic data collections (eg. historical data, census, etc).
  • The datasets are available in digital (machine-readable) format.
  • The data collections that contain personal data about natural persons - ie. about real people - are anonymized.
  • We store the datasets in SPSS (system and partable) and ASCII formats.
  • Users need special analytical tools (statistical software) and skills to use the data collections.

KDK Repository

This is the data repository of the Research Documentation Centre (RDC) at the Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. You can browse through researches conducted at the four institutes (Institute for Legal Studies, Institute for Minority Studies, Institute for Political Science, Institute for Sociology) of the Centre for Social Sciences and download research collections. Every user can search among the topics, the researchers and other basic information about the research collections. Some of our collections are available to the public without registration.


There are two objectives of the Openbiomaps project: first, to maintain an open and free biological database service; second, to develop biological data handling software applications. The Openbiomaps project thus provides a stable background for open and free biological databases, specifically for scientists and conservationists, and its customizable toolset allows for the easy access and management of data.

national data repos