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NARCIS is the gateway that provides access to 386,000 of scholarly datasets (November 2022) from researchers at Dutch universities and research institutes. NARCIS harvests 25 Dutch data repositories. DANS with the data archive EASY and 4TU.ResearchData provides durable storage and access to research data. These data sets are also made public by NARCIS.

Storage of research data during the research

In 2013 a number of Dutch universities, universities of applied sciences, and research institutes joined the DataverseNL, a partnership that jointly manages and deploys the Dataverse Network open source application for the archiving, citing and sharing of research data during the research by researchers themselves. The data management is in the hands of the institutions; DANS has been managing DataverseNL since May 2014.

Storage of research data after the research

DANS provides sustainable access to research data through EASY, an online archiving system. Researchers can use EASY to archive their own research data for the long term. Most data are open data or open after registration. DANS is developing Data Stations in Archaeology (now ready); Social Sciences and Humanities; Life, Health and Medical Sciences; and Physical and Technical Sciences. These Data Stations will replace EASY.

4TU.Centre for Research Data (4TU.ResearchData), a cooperation of TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, Wageningen University and Research Centre, and University of Twente, guarantees the storage, reuse and continuing accessibility of science and engineering research data. There are 23 other data archives in the Netherlands, from universities, but also from other research institutes, e.g. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) or the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

Collaboration Research Data institutes

DANS, 4TU.ResearchData, SURF, and the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (DTL) have joined forces on sustainable data archiving within the Research Data Netherlands (RDNL) partnership. The partnership is also open to other parties. RDNL organises RDM training for data supporters: Essentials 4 Data Support.

More information

For more information on open data in the Netherlands see

national data repos