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Until the beginning of 2020, there were only 2 data repositories in Poland: the general the general purpose Repository for Open Data RepOD launched in 2015, and the disciplinary repository of linguistics datasets CLARIN-PL.


In 2020, new data repositories were launched by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw as part of the project "Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories" (Dziedzinowe Repozytoria Otwartych Danych Badawczych - English information). All repositories are open for everyone to use and free of charge. 

  • Repository for Open Data (RepOD, Repozytorium Otwartych Danych) - a new version of the repository, a general-purpose repository for open research data, offering scholars the possibility to deposit their datasets. The purpose of the repository is to make available in the Internet research data, such as tables, photographs, audiovisual material, and any other types of data created, collected, or annotated for academic research.
  • Macromolecular Xtallography Raw Data Repository (MX-RDR) - a domain-specific digital repository of raw diffraction data collected for macromolecular crystals. It includes tools simplifying metadata descriptions by combining information extracted directly from diffraction images, obtained from the PDB database and/or user input.
  • Social Data Repository (RDS, Repozytorium Danych Społecznych) - a domain-specific digital repository of social data. The purpose of the repository is to make available in the Internet social data, consisting of data sets and accompanying technical or methodological documentation.


Open Forest Data - data repository designed to provide access to natural sciences data and provide scientists with an infrastructure for storing, sharing and archiving their research outcomes, it was launched within the project e-Puszcza. Podlasie nature scientific data repository by Mammal Research Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences and Bialystok University of Technology.


Bridge of Data - data repository that allows for the collecting and sharing of research data from various disciplines and in various formats, it was developed as part of the project "Bridge of Data. Multidisciplinary Open Knowledge Transfer System - stage II: Open Research Data" by the Gdańsk University of Technology. 

national data repos