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Updated in August 2022.

National nodes of ESFRI infrastructures, also maintaining research data repositories, are Social Science Data Archives, CLARIN.SI, and ELIXIR Slovenia.

Social Science Data Archives, a member of CESSDA ERIC, managed by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana, is collecting and enabling different degrees of access to research data from the social sciences research.

CLARIN.SI, a member of CLARIN ERIC, managed by the Jožef Stefan Institute, maintains a repository for language tools and resources.

SI-DIH DARIAH, part of DARIAH-EU, enables searching of research data in different repositories from the humanities and the arts.

The institutional Repository of the University of Ljubljana and the institutional Digital Library of the University of Maribor as well as a common Digital Repository of the Slovenian Research Organizations were upgraded to enable  research data deposit and storage (either at the repository server or big data at the Vega supercomputer), with full or limited public access to research datasets. The said repositories allocate Handle PIDs to all repository records and to all files.

Open Data Portal Slovenia (OPSI) enables access to data, tools and resources that can be used for development of web and mobile applications and for other purposes.

national data repos