Episciences integrates Open Science Lens page Enhancer
By Giorgos Papanikos, Raphaël Tournoy
About Episciences
Episciences is available through the OpenAIRE Service catalogue and the EOSC marketplace. Thanks to the OpenAIRE-Nexus project and the OpenAIRE services, Episciences has implemented an automatic enrichment of the metadata of its articles. This service is based on OpenAIRE Research Graph, ScholeXplorer and OpenCitations. The Open Science Lens page Enhancer supports this work by providing other complementary and value-added services and enrichments to the readers of the articles.
About Open Science Lens page Enhancer
The Open Science Lens (OSL) page Enhancer, started as a parallel complementary product of the Open Science Lens Google Chrome add-on that CITE implemented for the OpenAIRE Open Innovation Call. It was clear, that apart from serving the need to spot and access Open Science scholarly works, in a click, content providers that host journals, also could take a step forward and promote that content, making it more visible and easily accessible for users.
The OSL Science Page Enhancer is the lightweight JavaScript widget that Science Content Providers can use and embed within their applications to take direct advantage of the OpenAIRE Research Graph, enhancing the content they provide to their users. In addition to scanning the content of the page in which the widget is included, the discovery ability of the widget can be extended to enrich the visitor’s experience even further. The tool minimises its footprint on the integrating website and is offered with a no-code pipeline facilitating a rule-based approach through external configuration to navigate, identify, extract and present the points of interest for the Enhancer.
Collaborative value through EOSC
In 2021, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), announced a new round of the EOSC-Digital Innovation Hub (EOSC-DIH) business pilots, that called for SMEs to apply for a 9 month period of incubation. SMEs can use EOSC services and more specifically, a great variety of services offered by the INFRAEOSC-07 H2020 funded projects. One of the INFRAEOSC-07 projects is OpenAIRE-Nexus that offers access and support to SMEs of 17 services (including subservices)! CITE was invited to participate and benefit from the EOSC ecosystem.
Episciences participates on EOSC-DIH, through the OpenAIRE-Nexus, H2020, EU funded project (GA: 101017452). Therefore, Episciences in January 2022 received a request from the SME participating on the 1st round of the EOSC-DIH business pilots, to collaborate on an implementation of an Open Science Lens page Enhancer on the Episciences portal of Open Science Journals.
How Episciences implemented the integration of OpenScienceLens page Enhancer
A new OSL Enhancer registration was created and Episciences web pages injected the Javascript module required for the Enhancer to operate. The needed rules, locations and patterns were configured using the OSL Configuration Builder available within the OSL Registration Management web application and the displayed information was fine tuned along with the repository owners.
Implementing the Open Science Lens Page enhancer on Episciences was as easy as copy-pasting the required javascript code on the journal’s web page. The services offered by the OSL appear instantly, as soon as the code is loaded on the web page. As a fist step, we have decided to offer the service as an opt-in feature, for we would like to let the users decide when they want it enabled or not (through the On|Off switch next to the OSL icon) . Activating/deactivating the service according to the wishes of each user is just a click away.
Therefore, a search for the term “extensional semantics” on the Logical Methods in Computer Science, led to a list of results, where by picking the first one, and by enabling the OSL, we can view all the available information and links to OpenAIRE EXPLORE (see image below).
You can check the difference with and without the Open Science Lens page Enhancer, by turning it ON|OFF. Feel free to explore the Journal with OSL on and off, and share your experience with us and the research community in social media (@OpenAIRE_eu, @episciences, @ccsd_fr, @cite_sa, #episciences #OpenScienceLens #OpenScience).
Important material
Demo video
Journal Logical Methods in Computer Science, where the OSLens Enhancer was applied:
Related services
OpenAIRE Research Graph, OpenAIRE AAI, OpenAIRE EXPLORE
Interested to know more about the Episciences innovative solutions? Then contact Raphaël Tournoy at contact[at]
Do you want to integrate the OpenScienceLens page Enhancer on your Open Science portal? Then contact Giorgos Papanikos gpapanikos[at]