Episciences implements the Open Science Lens Enhancer
Automated linking at Journal web site
Challenge & Scenario
Solution & Implementation
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View the Open Science Lens applied on Episciences on Logical Methods in Computer Science Journal.
Enable the opensciencelens button from the bottom panel and enjoy.
In depth description
To validate and showcase this functionality, but also to further promote the OSL Enhancer, an integration with the Episciences repositories was implemented. In coordination with Episciences, the information that should be enriched was identified across the different views and layouts of the repositories. A new OSL Enhancer registration was created and Episciences web pages injected the Javascript module required for the Enhancer to operate. The needed rules, locations and patterns were configured using the OSL Configuration Builder available within the OSL Registration Management web application and the displayed information was fine tuned along with the repository owners.
Contacting CITE (https://www.cite.gr/) to get your license to use the enhancer.
Modify your page to include the Enhancer plugin by adding a small Javascript module import.
Optionally include custom markup to refine how the Enhancer integrates with your site.
Optionally define patterns and rules to locate, extract and present the desired information within your web pages, without modifying your web site.