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Sep 8, 2021

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EUt+ alliance and OpenAIRE join forces for open science

Sep 8, 2021

EUt+ alliance and OpenAIRE join forces for open science

The OpenAIRE-Nexus consortium and the European University of Technology (EUt+), have announced a new cooperation agreement to improve the integration and discoverability of research results, to showcase the synergies and connections and aggregate the work from all partners across this pan-European network of Universities. All, using open science in the core. 

The OpenAIRE and EUt+  teams will collaborate to capture and display in a unique, new EUt+ alliance-branded webspace, selected locally-held institutional and project-based open access content of common interest. 

OpenAIRE will offer a CONNECT gateway ( as a single entry point to all research outputs of this alliance. At the same time, the EUt+ will ensure that all its repositories are compliant with the OpenAIRE Guidelines and that the alliance’s outcomes are available in the gateway, counting statistics to measure the uptake of Open Science practices. 

We are extremely happy to support such a forward looking initiative and offer our services to ensure open science acts as a practical mechanism to connect infrastructure and people and that it helps European institutions transition to more collaborative model of operations. Honoured to be part of the future, and we would be happy to support all 17 alliances.

Natalia Manola, CEO of OpenAIRE AMKE.  

EUt+ is delighted to have taken this step closer to building a real European University based on cooperation and a shared vision of teaching, research, engagement and innovation. EUt+, as a consortium of 8 universities, is committed to the transition to Open Scholarship and signing this MoU underlines the importance of this to EUt+.

Professor Brian O' Neill, Director, Research, Enterprise and Innovation Services, TU Dublin.


About EUt+: The  European University of Technology  is one of the  newly formed de-centralized 41 European Universities, creating a sustainable future for 100,000 students and learners in 8 European countries, for the staff of each of the 8 participating institutions and for the territories and regions where each campus is anchored.

About OpenAIRE-Nexus: The Horizon 2020 OpenAIRE-Nexus project , a consortium of 11 partners, brings in Europe, EOSC and the world a set of services to implement and accelerate Open Science. To embed in researchers' workflows, making it easier for them to accept and uptake Open Science practices of openness and FAIRness.