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The EVERSE - Funders Forum Workshop

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10 Sep 2024

The EVERSE - Funders Forum Workshop will take place in the SciLifeLab in Uppsala, Sweden. 

The workshop aims to serve as a platform for EVERSE to showcase their work and receive input from potential funders and relevant community projects. Moreover, particular focus will be given to the critical aspect of software sustainability. Stakeholders of particular relevance in the workshop are Funders and Policy Makers, in order to increase awareness of the challenges and opportunities around research software.

Save the date: Tuesday, September 10th. Workshop is planned as a full day (9.00 am – 5.30 pm CEST)

The main goal of the workshop is to serve as a platform for EVERSE to showcase the work of the project, and receive input from all relevant stakeholders, while facilitating networking and collaboration opportunities between all participants. Stakeholders of particular relevance at the workshop are Funders and Policy Makers, in order to increase awareness of the challenges and opportunities around research, as well as relevant community projects. The expectation is for participants to bring with them their communities’ best practices and services on research software (including, but not limited to, quality, management, sustainability, excellence, etc.) in order to engage with EVERSE, while also establishing a bidirectional channel of communication moving forward.

You can find the draft agenda of the main event of the International Research Software Funders Workshop here, also linked in the event page. Please note this workshop is open to funders of research software, open science, and open-source research software, as well as a few guests. If you are interested in attending but have not received an invitation, please contact them at (or at, if you encounter issues with the first email).

-Provisional agenda available here.

-Click here to download the Workshop Announcement (.pdf).


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