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Workshop: National policy and support actions for research data skills - impact and experiences

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28 Apr 2021 @ 02:00pm @ 04:30pm

  • Date: 28 April 2021 - 14:00 to 16:30
  • Location: Virtual
  • Registrations

This joint workshop by FAIRsFAIR and OpenAIRE aims to discuss the role of national-level initiatives to advance skills development for research data management.

At European level, the emerging European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) provides impetus for skills development. However, the recent report of the EOSC Working Group on Skills & Training finds that national skills policy is usually fragmented or underdeveloped when concerning skills for research data and data-intensive research. The workshop aims to take stock of the national initiatives and discuss good practices, impact and ways to forward for such initiatives.

The workshop will bring together representatives from different national platforms, projects and organisations active in skills development and policy for RDM and FAIR data. It will be an opportunity to inform and debate how national-level initiatives contribute to awareness and practical solutions for skills development. It will discuss the role and responsibility of individual organisations, such as universities, and national initiatives in aligning and expanding education and training for research data management.



14h00: Welcome and introduction by FAIRsFAIR and OpenAIRE

  • Pedro Principe, University of Minho / OpenAIRE AMKE
  • Bregt Saenen, FAIRsFAIR / European University Association (EUA)

14h15: National-level initiatives supporting RDM & FAIR data skills development

  • France: Bénédicte Kuntziger (CCSD, CNRS) on behalf of Gwenn Dossmann (Openedition), Laurence Crohem (Université de Lille), André Dazy (Couperin)
  • Greece: Elli Papadopoulou, Athena Research Center
  • Ireland: Ciara McCaffrey, Skills & Competencies Working Group, National Open Research Forum
  • Moderator: Iryna Kuchma, EIFL / OpenAIRE AMKE
15h00: Universities use cases and experiences on developing RDM & FAIR data skills
  • Aude Bax-de Keating, Swissuniversities
  • Patrick Helling, University of Cologne, Germany
  • Moderator: Bregt Saenen, FAIRsFAIR and EUA

15h30: National open science policies for skills in the Digital skills for FAIR and open science: Report from the EOSC Executive Board Skills and Training Working Group

  • Natalia Manola / Iryna Kuchma, OpenAIRE AMKE

15h45: Breakout discussion

16h30: Closing

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