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fecytlogoFECYT recently released recommendations for the Open Access mandate Implementation of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Act. The goal of the recommendations documents is to put forward a practical guide that describes the main aspects of the Spanish policy on Open Access and clears the way to all concerned stakeholders: R&D public funding agencies, universities and research centres, researchers and institutional subscribers to scientific journals.



Implantacion Art37 AccesoAbiertoThe Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has published the document “Recommendations for the Implementation of Article 37 of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Act: Open Access Dissemination”.

The goal of this document is to put forward a practical guide that describes the main aspects of the national policy on open access and clears the way to all concerned stakeholders, by specifying the new roles that should be adopted and drafting a series of guidelines for all the groups involved in the production and market management of scientific information.
This document first puts forward a chapter explaining in detail the basic concepts that should be dealt with to understand open access policies. The document then discusses the legal framework for open access policies in Spain and goes on to describe how open access affects the different stakeholders involved:
- R&D public funding agencies, universities and research centres and institutional subscribers to scientific journals.
Finally, a series of guidelines are established to be able to carry out an adequate monitoring and assessment of compliance with the norm and in the last chapter a series of supplementary recommendations are also put forward.


For more information contact:
Pilar Rico Castro pilar.rico[@]