Working Group
Leveraging on the development of the metadata guidelines and application profiles within OpenAIRE projects, OpenAIRE AMKE would like and need to continue the development of these activities, ensuring community convergence and updates. The need for a global synchronization with other regional and national networks beyond Europe is critical, such as Latin-America, Africa, Canada and Japan while we ensure a full alignment with the EOSC Interoperability Framework (EIF) bringing in the discipline perspective.
- Ensure a community-driven global governance for the development and implementation of the guidelines, coordinated by OpenAIRE;
- Continue the development of the guidelines, managing the necessary updates and integrating FAIRness and quality specifications;
- Grouping knowledge and know-how across Europe for the EOSC alignment;
- Consolidate existing Guidelines and the uptake beyond Europe;
- Involve the repositories regional networks in the guidelines management and work with the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR);
- Synchronize developments with existent standards, metadata schemas and data models from established research communities, infrastructures and organizations such as DCMI, DataCite and others managing persistent identifiers entities.
Core Activities
- Maintain and keep up to date the current set of interoperability metadata guidelines.
- Evaluation and incorporation of metadata, vocabularies and identifier standards for different types of research artifacts (publications, data, software/code and other research products).
- Revision of ongoing trends towards metadata alignments.
- Align with regional and community-specific metadata standards.
Working Methodology
This OpenAIRE AMKE working group will be made up of members of AMKE involved with the development and usage of the guidelines at national and institutional level and also by other relevant stakeholders who are not members of AMKE but they will be invited to join the working group as their presence is critical for the success of the activity. In summary, the working group will be coordinated by an AMKE member and formed by members and external representatives of organizations, promoting periodic meetings for the core group and organizing external workshops within and for the community, such as in COAR, EuroCRIS, DataCite, Open Repositories and other events.
Why join this group
Actively contribute to the maintenance of the set of metadata interoperability guidelines developed by OpenAIRE and support the developments and updates of current or new guidelines specifications. Support and align developments of the usage of the OpenAIRE guidelines within national research infrastructures and the EOSC core services. Furthermore, continue and expand the guidelines uptake beyond Europe, Latin-America, Canada and Japan promoting the development of open infrastructure at a global level.
Co-Chairs: Eloy Rodrigues, Leonidas Pispiringas
- Lautaro Matas, LA Referencia
- Lars Holm Nielsen, CERN
- Jose Benito Gonzalez, CERN
- Kathleen Shearer, COAR
- Isabel Bernal, CSIC, COAR - Controlled Vocabularies WG
- Jan Dvořák, EuroCRIS Pablo de Castro, EuroCRIS
- Paolo Manghi, OpenAIRE
- Andreas Czerniak, Univ. Bielefeld