To comply with the H2020 OA requirements, it is mandatory to ensure Open Access to all peer-reviewed publications resulting from H2020 funding. There are two ways you can provide Open Access:
- Depositing your peer-reviewed manuscript in a trusted Open Access repository.
- Selecting a reputable Open Access journal for publishing your research.
In either case you have to deposit your publications in an Open Access repository, even when publishing in an Open Access journal.
4 simple steps to Open Access
Step 1. |
Submit a paper to a journal of your choice (you are not restricted to Open Access journals). Publishing costs (article processing charges) are eligible costs and can be reimbursed within the project period. |
Step 2. |
Deposit either the published manuscript or the final peer-reviewed version in an Open Access repository as soon as possible and at the latest upon publication. It is not enough to add the publications to Dropbox, project websites, or academic social networks such as ResearchGate. You could find a repository via registries: ROAR, OpenDOAR, FAIRsharing or via OpenAIRE. If you have trouble locating a suitable repository, contact your institutional librarian or your National Open Access Desk. |
Step 3. |
Acknowledge project funding in the metadata when uploading your article. This can be done by filling in the name of the action, project acronym, and/or grant number. |
Step 4. |
Ensure open access to the deposited publication — via the repository — at the latest: on publication if an electronic version is available for free via the publisher, or within six months of publication (twelve months for publications in the social sciences and humanities) in any other case. Check the publisher’s policy to determine which version you can upload and if an embargo period applies, see the Sherpa/Romeo database. An embargo period of 6 months (or 12 months for the social sciences and humanities) is acceptable. Ideally, as an author, you keep your author rights and apply a suitable open license. There are many options, such as Creative Commons. Please find more information about copyright and open access. |
Note: Even when publishing Open Access, beneficiaries are still required to deposit their publications in a repository.