OpenAIRE Newsletter October 2023

OpenAIRE Newsletter October 2023

 07 February 2025 

Zenodo: From “sharing research made easy” to “collaboration made easy”

Zenodo's goal for the past 10 years has been to simplify research sharing. We can confidently say this goal was achieved after millions are using the service. As Zenodo matures, it  redefines its goal to improve the service while maintaining its ease of use.

Zenodo has now moved to the new underlying technical platform, InvenioRDM with a new objective of making collaboration easy while improving data quality and enriching services. It's all about communities: the new Zenodo offers sophisticated capabilities for moderation and reviewing, and it's all the rage because it puts more control into the hands of communities and equips them to self-organize. Curators from the community, standards, and seamless connectivity to other OpenAIRE services are all on the table.

Check out the update’s new and enhanced features and let us know what you think.

Highlights from the 4th Open Science Fair

Explore the highlights from this year's Open Science Fair. 

  • Artificial Intelligence in Scholarly Communication via Scientific Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models.
  • Publishing Models and Strategies to consolidate the field and garner researcher support.
  • Development of Skills for Open Science that extend beyond traditional career trajectories and consider new forms of teaching.

A huge collaborative achievement that wouldn't have been possible without the participation of our community. 

Thank you for making it a success!

American Chemical Society’s introduces new fee for repository deposit

A new twist on the article processing charge (APC) has been introduced by the American Chemical Society (ACS): the  ADC, Article Development Charge, yet another acronym we have to deal with.   This is a new authors’ fee of $2,500 US for the right to deposit an accepted manuscript into a repository without an embargo period. 

We find this to be yet another artificial barrier to OA and strongly believe that this is a setback for the 150,000 researchers, members  of the society, and therefore we are fully aligned with the response from the Coallition of Open Access Repositories (COAR). 


Community over Commercialization

Community is the heart of OpenAIRE.


Join us as we explore these human connections, the central theme of this year's International Open Access Week, in our OpenAIRE Podcast series and see how this network makes up and upholds the world of Open Science. 


In our latest episode, we share our thoughts on how to strike a balance of community achievement and drive, while looking into sustainable business models.

Serbia’s eNauka Portal: Making FAIR a reality

CRIS systems are used for boosting and measuring the implementation of Open Access and Data policies at research-performing organizations. Biljana Kosanovic  presents how the Serbian government is using national CRIS in their advancmement for OS.

Reflections on EOSC training workshop for the Western Balkans

September held a major training event organised by EOSC Future for participants from the Western Balkans and Ukraine. See how the teams collaborate to promote the uptake of EOSC capabilities across Europe.

Curating organisations in the OpenAIRE Graph

Greek Organisations appear in many forms and shapes in scholarly metadata, making it hard to track results.

Discover how ATHENA RC used OpenOrgs to transform Greek organizational data disambiguation.

Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice Webinar

16 November 2023

Have any doubts or questions about your obligations as a Horizon Europe (HE) grant holder in terms of Open Access to publications and Research Data Management? 

We will present the HE requirements, followed by some time for your questions to our experts. You will also get a preview of the main tools and services OpenAIRE provides to help project coordinators and research support staff on the requirements' compliance.

See upcoming events

2 November 02:00pm - 03:00pm
20 November 11:00am - 07:00pm
21 November 12:00pm - 06:00pm


‍Science. Set Free.