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Short Bio:
Inge Van Nieuwerburgh is coordinator scientific communication in Ghent University Library. Very active in the field of Open Access, she has given several workshops and lectures on the subject. She is widely known to be an enthusiastic speaker and holds OA roadshows at Ghent University in order to promote more self-archiving in the IR, whilst also lobbying for OA mandates. She is member of different working groups and the Flemish library association where issues on scientific communications are discussed
University of Ghent, Belgium
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Short Bio

Inge Van Nieuwerburgh is coordinator scientific communication in Ghent University Library. Very active in the field of Open Access, she has given several workshops and lectures on the subject. She is widely known to be an enthusiastic speaker and holds OA roadshows at Ghent University in order to promote more self-archiving in the IR, whilst also lobbying for OA mandates. She is member of different working groups and the Flemish library association where issues on scientific communications are discussed