Azerbaijan Technical University
Contribution to Open Science
Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU), one of the leading universities in the field of technical education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, was established in November 1950 under the name of Azerbaijan Polytechnic (AzPI) with 4 faculties: Mechanics, Construction, Railway and Hydromelioration. Since 1991, the institute has been named Azerbaijan Technical University. Currently, the university has 36 bachelor's degree programs and more than 100 master’s degree programs those covering mechanical engineering, metallurgy, informatics and computer technologies, electrical engineering, telecommunications, transport, economy and other fields. The scientific achievements of AzTU have been publishing in the scientific and technical journals "Scientific Works" and "Machine Science", which support the open access initiative.
Goals and objectives
- Build and develop digital repository of LIC at Azerbaijan Technical University
- Provide workshop and trainings regarding open source systems such as digital repository and journal system.
- Working with graduate students to collect, preserve and make accessible the thesis and dissertations to develop
- OA thesis and dissertation collection.
- Create and develop internal policies based on OpenAIRE guidelines.
- Organize research outputs of the university based on FAIR principles to make research outputs easily accessed.
- Apply research data management at AzTU and disseminate research data management initiative in Azerbaijan.
Member since2023
Contact Info
Khayala Hajiyeva
- Development of new library services
- Provide support for academic publication with APC
- Develop information literacy
- Develop policy and procedures of LIC
- Cooperate with local and international projects
- Provide support for Open Access initiatives
- Volunteering in international organizations to support the library and information discipline local and globally.
- Adapting the website of LIC to the modern requirements regularly: https://library.aztu.edu.az/
- Improve the university digital repository supporting the open access initiative continuously: openaccess.aztu.edu.az