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Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use (“AUP”) defines the rules and conditions that govern your access to and use (including transmission, processing, and storage of data) of the resources and services (“Services”) as granted by OpenAIRΕ, and the Research Community to which you belong, for the purpose of meeting the goals of OpenAIRE, namely to embed Open Science into researchers' daily workflow and to implement and align Open Science policies and infrastructures across European research institutions, as well as the goals of your Research Community.


OpenAIRE services collect personal information about the users and content providers. The collected information includes, but not exclusively, names, organizations, country of origins or residence, telephone, contact information like email, social site contacts and website. Log information, including information provided by Users or Services via the applications/APIs running on the Site shall be processed for administrative, operational, accounting, monitoring and security purposes only and according to the GDPR. OpenAIRE undertakes to process personal data according to the principles of GDPR (article 5 of the GDPR) and ensure that users and content providers may exercise their rights.

According to the Ethical Report produced by the OpenAIRE Ethics advisor Gloria Origgi, OpenAIRE shall:

  • Guarantee the protection of privacy for all the stakeholders (researchers, participants to experiments, general audience) in compliance with the GDPR guidelines: “Whereas they must, whatever the nationality or residence of natural persons, respect their fundamental rights and freedoms, notably the right to privacy, and contribute to economic and social progress, trade expansion and the well-being of individuals” (PRIVACY/CONFIDENTIALITY)
  • Protect the rights of data providers by complying with the evolution of data copyright regulations in Europe. (DATA GOVERNANCE)

As highlighted in the Ethic Report, as a research organization, OpenAIRE may avoid many restrictions on processing data. According to article 89 of the GDPR: “Where personal data are processed for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, Union or Member State law may provide for derogations”. However, the following elements of GDPR impact on OpenAIRE policies and must be addressed by the OpenAIRE infrastructure: right to be forgotten (opt-out options) and anonymity provisions.

For the use of the OpenAIRE Usage Statistics Service, repository managers must install a plugin that intercepts usage data (e.g. download, view). The plugin features embedded anonymization according to the GDPR.

At any time, the user can decide to unregister his/her data. All user’s requests are immediately accepted and operated by the OpenAIRE Infrastructure. The option to delete the account is clearly visible in the OpenAIRE portal in the login form and, after login, in the “Contact Info” page of the User.

Zenodo-specific policies are published at .


Infrastructure Acceptable Use Policy

By registering in the OpenAIRE Infrastructure you shall be deemed to accept these conditions of use:

  • Logged information is used for administrative, operational, accounting, monitoring and security purposes only.


1. You shall only use the Services in a manner consistent with the purposes and limitations described above; you shall show consideration towards other users including by not causing harm to the Services; you have an obligation to collaborate in the resolution of issues arising from your use of the Services.

2. You shall only use the Services for lawful purposes and not breach, attempt to breach, nor circumvent administrative or security controls.

3. You shall respect intellectual property and confidentiality agreements.

4. You shall protect your access credentials (e.g. passwords, private keys or multi-factor tokens); no intentional sharing is permitted.

5. You shall keep your registered information correct and up to date.

6. You shall promptly report known or suspected security breaches, credential compromise, or misuse to the security contact stated below; and report any compromised credentials to the relevant issuing authorities.

7. Reliance on the Services shall only be to the extent specified by any applicable service level agreements listed below. Use without such agreements is at your own risk.

8. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the data protection policies referenced below.

9. Your use of the Services may be restricted or suspended, for administrative, operational, or security reasons, without prior notice and without compensation.

10. If you violate these rules, you may be liable for the consequences, which may include your account being suspended and a report being made to your home organisation or to law enforcement.

Users may submit two kinds of information to the OpenAIRE infrastructure: personal sign in information or claims, intended as assertions of associations between research products (publications, datasets, software, other products) and between research products and research projects or research communities. By submitting content to the OpenAIRE Infrastructure any authorized User shall be deemed to accept these conditions of use:
  • GDPR’s opt out for OpenAIRE users: At any time, the User can decide to unregister his/her data. All user’s requests are accepted and operated by OpenAIRE Infrastructure within one business day.
  • The ownership of any intellectual property rights is not in any way transferred to the OpenAIRE Infrastructure. In short, what belongs to a User remains exclusively of that User.
  • The User remains responsible for any misuse of the data by other Infrastructure Users.
  • The OpenAIRE Infrastructure can reproduce, modify, and generate derivative works from the content it stores
  • The OpenAIRE Infrastructure will not otherwise move or distribute user's data for any purpose, except when required to do so by law.
  • The OpenAIRE Infrastructure is not responsible for the data uploaded and hosted by the infrastructure.
  • The OpenAIRE Infrastructure will not be responsible for any issue regulating intellectual property rights infringement or illegal use of User's data.
  • The OpenAIRE Infrastructure will make reasonable efforts to ensure that data are persisted. In the event of hardware or software failures caused by failures to a hard drive or power supply, the OpenAIRE Infrastructure will make reasonable attempts to restore the user's data. No guarantee whatsoever is provided on the success of any User's data recovery.

Acceptable Use Policy

By accessing OpenAIRE services deployed into the OpenAIRE Infrastructure any User shall be deemed to accept these conditions of use:

  • Any authorized User can use content in any circumstance and for all usage, reproduce the data, modify the data, and make derivative data based upon the original data, communicate to the public, including the right to reproduce or display the data or copies thereof to the public and perform publicly, as the case maybe, the data.
  • Any authorized User cannot in any circumstance and for any usage redistribute the data or copies thereof, lend and rent the data or copies thereof, sub-license rights in the data or copies thereof, unless otherwise authorized by the OpenAIRE infrastructure.
  • Metadata license is CC-BY: the metadata records returned by the services can be freely re-used by commercial and non-commercial partners under CC-BY license, hence as long as OpenAIRE is acknowledged as content provider.
  • If the OpenAIRE Infrastructure reasonably believes any of the User Content violates the law, infringes or misappropriates the rights of any third party, the User of the Prohibited Content will be notified and requested that such content be removed from the OpenAIRE Services or access to it be disabled. If a User does not remove or disable access to the Prohibited Content within 2 business days of our notice, the OpenAIRE Infrastructure may remove or disable access to the Prohibited Content or suspend its access to the OpenAIRE Services.
  • Users will reasonably cooperate with OpenAIRE Infrastructure to identify the source of any problem with the OpenAIRE Services that may be attributable to Users Content or any end user materials that the User control.

OpenAIRE Login

OpenAIRE Login enables researchers to securely access and share common resources and services using identities from eduGAIN, the global network of academic identity federations. For users coming from the industry or citizen scientists who may not have access to eduGAIN, the OpenAIRE Login service supports additional trusted authentication providers, such as social networks, community identity providers and other platforms such as ORCID that can provide federated user identities.

The administrative contact for this AUP is:
The security contact for this AUP is:
The data protection policies are located at:
The Data Protection Officer for this AUP is:


The OpenAIRE APIs provide access to a graph of interlinked metadata records and to a corpus of article PDFs. While metadata records are accessible as CC-BY, access to PDFs may only take place on request and is subject to restrictions based on the content providers.
If Users create technology that works with OpenAIRE API Services, they must comply with the current technical documentation applicable to the used OpenAIRE Services available at
Any authorized User shall be deemed to the specific rate limits of the used service as specified below. Rate limits might be changed by the OpenAIRE IPB at any time. Changes will be published in the documentation page of the relative services.


For updates, please check
- no more than 30 concurrent connections from single IP to any APIs
- no more than 67 concurrent requests in total


For updates, please check
- no more than 37 concurrent requests in total (max 30 per single IP);- 
­ no more than 15 requests/second (in total, not per IP). If this limit is reached, requests will be delayed.


For updates on terms of use, please check
REST APIs: ScholeXplorer's REST APIs are free-to-use (no sign-up needed) by any third-party service. Note that the service limits each query to around 10,000 paged results (pages are by default of length 100 and can be navigated via resumption token). For unlimited access to the APIs please contact the service administrators.
Metadata license is CC-BY: Scholix metadata records returned by the service can be freely re-used by commercial and non-commercial partners under CC-BY license, hence as long as OpenAIRE ScholeXplorer is acknowledged as content provider.


Users of Zenodo shall be deemed to accept the conditions available on the Zenodo website at
The Zenodo service (“Zenodo”) is offered by CERN as part of its mission to make available the results of its work.
Use of Zenodo, both the uploading and downloading of data, denotes agreement with the following terms:

  • Zenodo is a research data repository for the preservation and making available of research, educational and informational content. Access to Zenodo’s content is open to all, for non-military purposes only.
  • Content may be uploaded free of charge by those without ready access to an organized data centre.
  • The uploader shall ensure that their content is suitable for open dissemination, and that it complies with these terms and applicable laws, including, but not limited to, privacy, data protection and intellectual property rights.
  • All content is provided “as-is”. Users of content (“Users”) shall respect applicable license conditions. Download and use of content from Zenodo does not transfer any intellectual property rights in the content to the User.
  • Users are exclusively responsible for their use of content, and shall hold CERN free and harmless in connection with their download and/or use.
  • CERN reserves the right, without notice, at its sole discretion and without liability, (i) to alter or delete inappropriate content, and (ii) to restrict or remove User access where it considers that use of Zenodo interferes with its operations or violates these Terms of Use or applicable laws.
  • Unless specified otherwise, Zenodo metadata may be freely reused under the CC0 waiver. Bulk downloading of email addresses taken from Zenodo is not allowed.
  • These Terms of Use are subject to change by CERN at any time and without notice, other than through posting the updated Terms of Use on the Zenodo website.


 For more, please read D9.2 - Infrastructure Policies