IZTECH - Izmir Institute of Technology
Contribution to Open Science
Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) is one of the state universities in Turkey and was established in 1992 to offer a high level of education and carry out research in science, engineering, and architecture in a thematic pattern. The IZTECH Open Access System was established in 2013, where academic studies at IZTECH are archived and made accessible worldwide. As of April 2021, the research information and institutional repository system GCRIS, which is produced in IZTECH's technopark at international standards and can talk to similar systems in the world, has been used. GCRIS Research Information System is the first Research Information System of Turkey in international standards, which was developed with supported artificial intelligence and continues to be improved. IZTECH is the first university to use GCRIS. The primary purpose of developing this software is to facilitate integration into the European Open Science Cloud with a research information system in international standards.
The first Open Access Policy in Turkey, IZTECH Open Access Policy, was approved on 08 October 2013. The first Open Science Policy in Turkey, IZTECH Open Science Policy, was approved on 26 March 2019 by IZTECH Senate. IZTEH Open Science policy adapted from OpenAIRE model Policy on Open Science for Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) included publications and research data details. Both IZTECH Open Access Policy and IZTECH Open Science Policy were sent to other Turkish universities as a model policy by CoHE.
IZTECH has been a member of Open Access / Open Science Groups in Turkey:
- Coordinator of the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium Open Access and Institutional Repositories Working Group (ANKOS - OAIR) (2008 – 2018)
The Group Aims: to raise awareness of Open Access and Institutional Repositories among information professionals in Turkey, ensure the cooperation between ANKOS, information professionals, researchers, and cooperate with domestic and international organizations operating in the relevant areas.
- The Turkish Higher Education Council (CoHE) Open Access Working Group – (2014)
The Group Aims: to provide that every institution would create its institutional repository according to a National Open Access Policy which would be prepared and unite and harvest these repositories under a National Open Access Initiative.
- Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) The National Open Science Committee (2015 – Continue)
The Council Aims: to decide on national open access/open science strategies.
- CoHE Commission on Open Access (2018 – Continue)
The Commission Aims: be responsible for preparing the OS Plan and providing direction for its implementation in Universities.
- CoHE Research Data and Open Data Task Force Sub-Working Group (2019 – Continue)
The Group’s targets:
- Research data management for Turkish Universities,
- Preparing a data management plan,
- Following developments in the world about research data such as open data,
- Cooperating with relevant institutions in Turkey,
- Providing training on RDM,
- Supporting the creation of interoperable systems in particular with Europe,
- Preparing reports,
Doing translations.
Goals and objectives
- We will continue to make efforts for more institutions to have an open science policy and implementations of them in Turkey
- There aren't enough specialists working on open science and repositories: repository managers, librarians, etc. So We will continue to organize training events on these issues.
- We will continue to work for a national open science policy.
- We will focus on research data and research data management and open data
- We will try to work on a bridge between EOSC and Turkey.
Member since2011
Contact Info
Gultekin Gurdal
- OpenAIRE web page: https://libguides.iyte.edu.tr/openaire
It is possible to find information about OpenAIRE projects in Turkish. (About presentations, webinars information, etc.)
- Open Access Turkey web page: https://acikerisim.org/
It is possible to find information about Open Access, news, Open Access Conferences in Turkey, and Open Access Projects, including Turkey.
- Open Science Turkey web page:https://acikbilim.org/
It is possible to find information about Open Science in Turkey. Open Science Conferences, news, etc.