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 clear statement that represents your organization’s mission (related to Open Science) 

  • We believe education and research improves lives, and technology improves education and research. 
  • Vision: for the UK to be a world leader in technology for education and research 
  • Mission: to power and empower our members with the technology and data they need to succeed 
  • Our strategy for the coming three years is to build on our transition to a membership organisation, taking our achievements to the next level and enhancing what we do to the further satisfaction of members and funders. 

Contribution to Open Science

Jisc has been a leader in open research and open access and founded on the principles that research must be open as possible and closed as necessary.

Goals and objectives

An outline of what you want to accomplish and future growth goals concerningOpen Science.

  • See Vision/Mission/Strategy statement above

  • Member since
Contact Info
Dr Frank C Manista
Policy and Engagement Manager

A brief overview of the “services” you are offering and the relevant stakeholders