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Leonidas Pispiringas
Scholarly Communication Technical Expert
Leonidas Pispiringas holds a B.Sc. from the Department of Computer Science of the ATEI Thessaloniki, an M.Sc. in "Informatics & Management" from the Departments of Informatics and Economics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and he is a Ph.D. student at the department of Applied Informatics of the University of Macedonia with a thesis related to Bibliometrics, Data Mining and Machine Learning technologies. He had worked as a Developer/Network Technologies and Infrastructure Manager at HEAL-Link. His fields of expertise include modern technologies, interoperability models and international standards in digital libraries and scholarly communication infrastructures, software or services that organize and manage content and models of open repositories.
"Jacques Yves Cousteau described the scientists as curious persons looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what's going on. There is nothing better than assisting them with Open Science paving the way and removing any barriers to broaden this keyhole."