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Reproducing elements of the research lifecycle is vital to an open and transparent way of doing science. That is why OpenAIRE has established a service to link all the elements of research together. Users can evaluate and reproduce research via linked entities; find publications, the underlying dataset and the software to put the research into context. This interconnection is the glue!

ScholExplorer, OpenAIRE’s Data Literature Interlinking service is live and already provides access to 620.000 literature objects, 2.600.000 datasets, and 18.000.0000 bi-directional scholix links from 1000 publishers, 10 data centers, and CrossRef, DataCite, and OpenAIRE. Our current clients include Scopus and Elsevier. Join them!

What is it?

The Scholix initiative establishes a high level interoperability framework for exchanging information on the links between scholarly literature and data. It enables an open information ecosystem to distinguish systematically what data underpins literature and what literature references data. Scholix maintains an evolving set of Guidelines consisting of:

  • an information model (conceptual definition of what is a Scholix scholarly link),
  • a link metadata schema (set of metadata fields representing a Scholix link), and
  • a corresponding XML and JSON schema.

How does it workscholexplorer2?

Scholexplorer aggregates link metadata harvested from the data sources and out of these builds an harmonised and de-duplicated graph of scholarly objects. The graph is openly accessible (CC-0) via search REST APIs that return links in Scholix format.

Scholexplorer populates and provides access to a graph of links between:

  • dataset and literature objects and,
  • dataset and dataset objects.

These links (and objects) are provided by data sources managed by publishers, data centers, or other organizations providing services to store and manage links between data sets and publications such as CrossRef, DataCite, and OpenAIRE.

How can I use it?

The Scholix Swagger API allows clients to run REST queries over the Scholexplorer index in order to fetch links matching given criteria.

In the current version, clients can search for:

  • links whose source object has a given PID or PID type;
  • links whose source object has been published by a given data source;
  • links that were collected from a given data source.

The results of queries return lists of links encoded as JSON Scholix records. JSON (and XML) schema and example records for Scholix links are available on GitHub.