Community Calls
Are you interested in having a Dashboard in OpenAIRE-MONITOR and want to learn more about the service?
Have you already got a Dashboard in OpenAIRE-MONITOR and interested in the recent updates of the service?
Got questions about how you can fully benefit from the service?
Join our dedicated community calls and learn more!
OpenAIRE is running a series of community calls for MONITOR to engage all stakeholder groups involved in defining indicators, scoping new research metrics, analyzing and collecting data for funding projects, research initiatives, pilots, and institutions.
These calls offer the opportunity to discover MONITOR novelties and learn how to benefit from them in your practice, share feedback, discuss future developments, and learn about use cases that relate to your needs.
Timeline: The meetings will be held 4 times a year and are open to all to register. They will last an hour and will provide a perfect opportunity to answer any questions/coments you might have.
Structure: The meetings will have a generic structure with a particular topic of interest each time.
1. Relevant updates
2. Main topic presentation
3. Open discussion on community questions and comments -
Upcoming calls & Agendas
Notes & Recordings
Main topic: New indicators on Plan S and journals’ transformative agreements in the OpenAIRE MONITOR Institutional Dashboard
Plan S and Transformative Agreements
Speaker: Johan Rooryck, Executive Director of cOAlition S and Professor of Linguistics at Leiden University -
New Indicators on Plan S and journals’ transformative agreements in the OpenAIRE MONITOR Institutional Dashboard
Speaker: Leonidas Pispiringas, Scholarly Communication Technical Expert at OpenAIRE - Feedback and Q&A from the Community
Main topic: OpenAIRE Monitor for Research Initiatives
Join the OpenAIRE CONNECT+Monitor Joint Community Call
- CONNECT and MONITOR, a customised dashboard for Research Initiatives
- Novel indicators for Research Assessment
- Feedback and Q&A from the Community
Main topic: OpenAIRE Monitor for Research Performing Organisations
- Introduction
- The World Bank Monitor Dashboard
- The Monitor pipeline (from Provide to the Monitor dashboard)
- Institutional needs and requirements & the Monitor experience . Katie Bannon, World Bank
- New and upcoming Monitor Indicators
- Q&A
Presenters: Ioanna Grypari (Athena RC), Leonidas Prispiringas (OpenAIRE)
Guest: Katie Bannon (World Bank)