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helsinki2What: RDA's 14th Plenary, “Data Makes the Difference“
Where: Helsinki, Finland. Venue: Dipoli at Aalto University
When: 23-25 October 2019

Spot its social media impact: #P14 #RDAFinland2019 #RDAPlenary

What should we expect to find there? Data experts in research, industry and policy-making from all around the world and from all disciplines.

Topics of the agenda:

  • improving decision making,
  • tackling grand societal challenges, and
  • engaging citizens in the creation of knowledge and betterment of society.

The 14th RDA plenary will explore the extensive ways data can make the difference by bringing together diverse group of experts from all around the globe.
The Plenary is co-hosted by Research Data Alliance Finland, CSC - IT Centre for Science, Aalto University, University of Helsinki, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, and Finnish Meteorological Institute.

Registration is open!

For more information please click here.

After a long consultation period, we are pleased to introduce the new version of the OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature repositories.
The Guidelines are intended to guide repository managers to expose to OpenAIRE open access and non-open access publications together with funding information, where applicable.

They have been gradually improved over the past year, having incorporated comments and feedback received from partners and other initiatives, and the recent developments in OpenAIRE, such as the new Content Acquisition Policy.

What's new?
The Guidelines for Literature Repository Managers v 4.0 introduce the following major changes:
  • Aplication profile and schema based on Dublin Core and DataCite, including a new OAI-metadataPrefix
  • Support of identifier schemes for authors, organisations, funders, and scholarly resources
  • Introduction of COAR Controlled Vocabularies
  • Compliance with the OpenAIRE Content Acquisition Policy
How does this affect you?
By implementing the OpenAIRE Guidelines you enable authors who deposit publications in your repository to fulfill the EC Open Access requirements, and eventually, the requirements of other (national or international) funders with whom OpenAIRE cooperates. Incorporating publications into the OpenAIRE infrastructure for discoverability, and utilising value-added services provided by the OpenAIRE portal are also feasible.
What's next?
In the coming months, OpenAIRE will foster a swift implementation of the Guidelines in the two major repository platforms, DSpace and EPrints.
Want to learn more?

guidelines, content providers

On the occasion of the launch of the European Open Science Cloud on November 23rd, the European Commission disclosed the list of the people appointed to be members of the EOSC Executive Board.

The call for applications opened at the end of August this year to recruit 11 experts in matters related to research infrastructures representing all stakeholders, with the task to provide advice and support on the implementation of the EOSC: from the rules of participation, to making  research data interoperable and re-usable according to the FAIR principles, to guidance to service provision.

We are very proud to announce that Natalia Manola, Managing Director of OpenAIRE, is among these experts! This appointment is a recognition of the importance of Open Science and what the OpenAIRE infrastructure represents in Europe for the full success of the European Open Science Cloud. The community and network of National Open Access Desks and the rich set of services bring Open Science at all levels of the research life-cycle and assist in the transition to open research and knowledge sharing. The participation in the EOSC Executive Board, in addition to OpenAIRE’s contribution to the EOSC Portal with its services, will support positioning Open Science as a best practice for research in all its nuances, at the core of the European Open Science Cloud.

OpenAIRE participates in the EOSC Executive Board together with other relevant initiatives such as RDA, CESSDA, Science Europe, GÉANT and many others.

The selection criteria together with the full list of the members of the EOSC Executive Board is available on the EC’s website.

Open Science, OpenAIRE-Advance

Image CC-BY 2.0 AC McCann

OpenAIRE invites you to participate in a brief survey on attitudes to Open Peer Review:

Your anonymous answers will be made available to the research and publishing communities to inform future innovations in peer review. 

The survey takes around 15-20 minutes to complete and will remain open until Friday 7th October. 

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On May 28, 2015, OpenAIRE organised a webinar on the Open Access to Publications Mandate in Horizon 2020. The webinar was run by Inge Van Nieuwerburgh (UGent) and lasted for about an hour. Over 30 people attended the event.
On June 9, 2015, OpenAIRE organizes another public webinar, this one will be about the Open Research Data Pilot in H2020. You can register for this webinar using this form.